I've read that peptides have given some guys gyno, so would an aromatase inhibitor need to be taken for that? Do peptides even raise estrogen or testosterone?
I've read that peptides have given some guys gyno, so would an aromatase inhibitor need to be taken for that? Do peptides even raise estrogen or testosterone?
Gyno from peptides, No.
AI needed, No.
High amounts of GHRP-2 can raise prolactin levels. Obviously, this can lead to prolactin gyno..
From personal experience, I get gyno on 80 mg of Test Cyp. a week. If my E2 hits 28 I start getting symptoms. Without taking Test Cyp but taking peptides I get no gyno symptoms. So the peptides don't cause my gyno.
I got a really bad gyno flare up from peptides.I am very prone to this though. Letro helped
Prolactin can cause gyno.
GHRP's can cause an increase in prolactin. I think Hexarelin is the worst for this.
Im not sure if this is whats causing your issue but if it is Cabergoline Cabergoline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Or Prami Pramipexole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can resolve the problem.
Caber being the better of the two.
You could try 20mg tamoxifen citrate daily for a week or 2. If symptoms persist its not Estrogen related.
I use pramipexole.
Thanks for the answers guys, I doubt that my estrogen is that high. As for prolactin, I guess I'll just use a GHRP that doesn't stimulate it's production as much. Would my fast metabolism prevent it from forming?
I've found this
"Healthy ingredient in red wine, stops breast cancer cells from growing by blocking the growth effects of estrogen.
jarofhearts (16th November 2015)
There have also been reports of coughing up blood, confusion, swelling in the groin, etc. Those are pretty serious.