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Thread: winstrol pct

  1. #21 9th October 2015 
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    D Bol is known to aromatize greatly. You will see much water retention and increase in the oil produced at sebaceous glands. Despite every one being different we can't ignore the basic characteristics of the compounds.
    From my research, I would have no reservations avoiding a traditional PCT after taking a normal/moderate amount of Win, for 6-8 weeks.
  2. #22 9th October 2015 
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    I am less concerned about my health than the average person though.
  3. #23 9th October 2015 
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    Bro science at its best...
  4. #24 9th October 2015 
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    I've read much on the topic, including books and medical studies. I'm not preaching bro science. I also have many friends in the body building sport and speak with them every single day as well as train with them.
  5. #25 9th October 2015 
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    I'm not going speak on what I have or have not done. But my opinion is an educated one. I am not suggesting anyone follow my advise, but this is a discussion. I'm being as unbiased and helpful as I can. As I always state, I'm no professional.
  6. #26 9th October 2015 
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    I heard winstrol is great for strength.
  7. #27 9th October 2015 
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    Primobolan would be a similarly mild alternative.
  8. #28 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSmith View Post
    Primobolan would be a similarly mild alternative.
    Primobolan is extremely expensive though and really difficult to find on the black market, even if you are getting primbolan it is most likely going to be at least $100 for 1000mg and what if it is underdosed? It's not worth it in my opinion because you have to be taking 600mgs week of pure primo to see the real benefits and what if it is underdosed? then your paying at least a thousand dollars for underdosed primo lol
  9. #29 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by venom View Post
    Primobolan is extremely expensive though and really difficult to find on the black market, even if you are getting primbolan it is most likely going to be at least $100 for 1000mg and what if it is underdosed? It's not worth it in my opinion because you have to be taking 600mgs week of pure primo to see the real benefits and what if it is underdosed? then your paying at least a thousand dollars for underdosed primo lol
    Yes its not cheap and the quality is typically suspect.
  10. #30 9th October 2015 
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    I'm 21 and I want to run 75mg of winstrol maybe even go up to 100mg and take 250mg of test E for 8 weeks. First cycle, also probably going to stack with two peptides during cycle and post cycle with 50mg of clomid, what do you think?
  11. #31 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem View Post
    I'm 21 and I want to run 75mg of winstrol maybe even go up to 100mg and take 250mg of test E for 8 weeks. First cycle, also probably going to stack with two peptides during cycle and post cycle with 50mg of clomid, what do you think?
    Which peptides? The Clomid should be adequate for PCT after a Winstrol cycle the length you are talking about. I am a proponent of taking low-dose HCG throughout the cycle but being only on Winstrol would make that less necessary.
  12. #32 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem View Post
    I'm 21 and I want to run 75mg of winstrol maybe even go up to 100mg and take 250mg of test E for 8 weeks. First cycle, also probably going to stack with two peptides during cycle and post cycle with 50mg of clomid, what do you think?
    I assume you mean orally as a daily dose? I never tried the oral, but found site injections into say the delts every few days gave good results.
  13. #33 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by venom View Post
    Which peptides? The Clomid should be adequate for PCT after a Winstrol cycle the length you are talking about. I am a proponent of taking low-dose HCG throughout the cycle but being only on Winstrol would make that less necessary.
    Ipomorelin and cjc 1295 3 times a day at 100mcg, and yes I do mean daily from orals. And since winstrol would already suppress me I wouldn't think that adding 250mgs of test E during would change my pct would it?
  14. #34 9th October 2015 
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    So you are maybe going to stack it with Test E for 8 weeks? That will be a decent beginner stack but the impact on your hormone axis will be greater and PCT more difficult.
  15. #35 9th October 2015 
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    8 weeks is not very long for Test E and 250 is extremely low for someone looking for supra therapeutic levels. 500mgs of Test a week is a good starting point and I would run it 10 weeks minimum but 12 weeks is common. I would also run Win in the beginning to get strength up while you wait for the Test E to kick in, or run it at the end to help retain strength as you go into PCT.
  16. #36 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem View Post
    I'm 21 and I want to run 75mg of winstrol maybe even go up to 100mg and take 250mg of test E for 8 weeks. First cycle, also probably going to stack with two peptides during cycle and post cycle with 50mg of clomid, what do you think?
    I think 50mg of oral win a day is a good starting point. 100mg a day is a lot especially with Test involved. The back pumps on Win can be insane, but depends on the person. I think Oral Winstrol is recommended over Depot Injectable. I forgot the details why. I think having to do it every other day with a Test would require going to a few different sites. So inconvenience is one factor.
  17. #37 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rem View Post
    I'm 21 and I want to run 75mg of winstrol maybe even go up to 100mg and take 250mg of test E for 8 weeks. First cycle, also probably going to stack with two peptides during cycle and post cycle with 50mg of clomid, what do you think?
    I don't think you should even do any AAS at your age of 21... I would honestly just get 300g of protein a day. Your hormones should be at peak levels.
  18. #38 9th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damme View Post
    I don't think you should even do any AAS at your age of 21... I would honestly just get 300g of protein a day. Your hormones should be at peak levels.
    I agree. I trained naturally for about 9 years. Only then did I add in some AAS. The advantage of this is that even low doses can give great results, and that when you come off you will be helped by your previous natural training to keep perhaps more of the gains. If you start AAS use too early, you will become reliant on them for most gains, and when you come off will tend to lose relatively more. Also a long period of natural training imparts strict dietary discipline, you get to know your own body in its clean state and can maximise the effects of AAS use later.
  19. #39 9th October 2015 
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    Yeah I'm still 21, so winni by itself is fine? I thought you need at least a trt dose of test if your using gear in the first place to help with side effects. And if I do decide to use gear It will be at the most 2 to 3 cycles a year at low dose.
  20. #40 9th October 2015 
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    And I don't want to use compunds that shut me down hard either.