Mainly from the peptide research companies. But why would they offer pharma grade triptorelin at 3.75mg doses? I get if you can't measure dosages you have no business using these chems, but what scenario would need THAT much gnrh? Unless chemically induced castration is the goal?
I'm off cycle, finished post cycle, with 10,000 iu of HCG, and just got labs run. All good numbers except LH, which was .02. I take it that is from the HCG? I understand GnRH or LHRH will help with that? Are there any side effects to that, and also what is a good dosage?
Been reading about Triptorelin.. Any feedback or success stories? It seems to be all over the place on various forums:
1. some get no results whatsoever, probably from either bunk peptides or overdosing
2. some get very good results with high normal levels of everything (LH, FSH, T/free T etc) but after about 4-6 months everything crashes….
Still, scenario 2 would indicate one 100mcg shot 3x/year and enjoying endogenous T production in the high-normal range, vs synthetic testosterone injections weekly or gel 1-2x/day.
I was so disapointed after my attempt... Tried it few more times and still nothing... maybe it was fake? Who knows.
I had a very successful pct using a single shot of 100mcg triptorelin IM, no crash whatsover, gym weights kept going up and body weight maintained all trough pct.
I've been reading some pretty encouraging stuff about triptorelin as a PCT drug. I have a couple of questions:
1. As I understand it, you take a single dose of 100mcg before you start your SERMs. Is that dose correct or do I have that wrong?
2. Say you were running test E, and so were waiting the standard 2 weeks for the esters to clear before starting PCT, when would you use the triptorelin? A couple of days before SERMs?
3. Is the use of hCG on cycle, then trip before PCT, then SERMs for PCT overkill?
Triptorelin is no good for PCT. It should NOT be used except for the very rare case. And, never in close use with a SERM/AI!!! That is inviting trouble.
It can cause hypogonadism for sure. Anything that causes the pituitary to be more "sensitive" to stimulation (SERM/AI) will necessarily increase the GnRH effect. Recall, GnRH agonists are used to cause hypogonadism. IMO, their use should be IF there is failure of response to SERM/AI. And, only after the SERM/AI has cleared from the body.
Last edited by Abigail; 8th October 2015 at 08:44 AM.
Havent heard about GNRH but I think you should try out HCG.