PCT stands for Post Cycle Therapy (in case there’s someone here who doesn’t know this). When you use steroids your body loses its ability to produce testosterone on its own, so when you finish your cycle you have to take a PCT to help your body start with the natural production of testosterone again. This helps you keep your gains, but also avoids health complications later on.
Is it irresponsible to start a cycle without having the PCT on hand yet?!
Just don't do pct and blast and cruise for life lol
Nope, especially if you plan for a longer cycle. PCT products can be expensive and some of them need special conditions (HCG for example). As long as you have a reliable source that would sell you the products you need once you'd need them, you should be fine. However, if you have some extra money, you should buy them even if you don't need them. If something comes up and you need to stop the cycle, you don't want to be caught with your guard down.
I have a friend who did exactly that. It only affected him later when he losing shape. I think it was the PCT.