I used to use peptides then I switched to HGH. I want to use growth hormone producing peptides again for financial reasons and then mix it with something else (based on the very helpful chart I saved from here ) but before I do so, is there like a time that I should be "clean" from anything before I transition? Or is it okay to just stop the HGH and then start with the peptides? Thank you!
I don't think there would be a problem because peptides work slowly compared to HGH. But why change when you have the best? Well, I cannot blame you because it is really difficult to maintain HGH, most especially budget-wise. Well, good luck to you and your endeavor! Always take care!
There won't be any harmful effects when you switch. But when you are from peptides to go to HGH, then the harm is on your pocket, and not on your body.
There is no interval needed for you to change drugs for as long as you don't take too much doses right away.
As far as I'm aware there shouldn't be any harmful effects and I think most people would just move straight on without taking any form of break in between.
Obviously if your changing to somthing stronger then you might have to build up to the dose you are wanting to take gradually but that's the same for any form of drug or medication.
I don't think that it would affect you badly even with whatever doses you are taking at the moment. You do not have to wait either. Just make sure that you are not mixing it with anything else, like if you are also taking in steroids or something. From what I know, that is where a problem might occur. Well, that's just according to my friend.
You are good to go, sis. No need to worry about side effects. The best of luck to you!
dseriousone: Really? I haven't heard of that. Well, I think it is for her safety, too. But I haven't heard as to why she should also stop the steroids. Did it happen to your friend?
You are good to go, hunny. You don't need to worry about it. It is okay even when you don't rest before you take the peptides. Remember that the peptides effect slower than the HGH so most likely it would seem that even when you use a lot of it, the doses won't really harm you. Good luck!
You can just immediately switch from using hgh to peptides just like how you suddenly switch from peptides to hgh. There is no need to wait for some time to clean your body or what. After all, hgh and peptides work in almost the same way. The only difference is that hgh is much more expensive and deliver results faster than peptides.
Yeah, I don't think you would have a problem with switching. I think the main issue would be with other drugs but of course I am no expert on this. When my boyfriend tried changing steroids, he imposed an interval to help the body adjust to normal before taking in the new steroids. With peptides, I think it is not necessary.