I tried PT-141 for the first time a fortnight ago.* I’ve injected between 0.8 and 1.5mg four times now; and I’m feeling very encouraged.* I’m 60 years old, quite fit and no health problems except a very long history of idiopathic e.d.* In the last few days I’ve experienced* firm erections in response to thought alone (without Viagra).* And with Viagra the effect is , of course, even better.* I’ve long thought my problem is dopamine related, so I guessed this might work, but I was put off for many years by reading about bad reactions to PT-141.* However* my side-effects have been quite mild, with no headache, no nausea and only mild transient flushing.* Blood pressure has remained its usual 120/80. Just a slight back and leg ache.
I see that Palatin Technologies sponsored clinical trials in 2004 on both inhaled and injected PT-141.* The injected patients injected between 4mg and 10mg of PT-141, which seems remarkably high (and must surely have given huge side effects).* Yet the reports claimed that adverse effects were mild to moderate (apart from incidents of worse hypertension in patients with a history of hypertension). Both trials seemed equally positive, and they suggested that 4mg of injected PT-141 equated to around 20mg when inhaled.
I’d like to experiment with the inhaled version too. May I ask if can you just mix the powder with sterile water, put it in an inhaler and squirt it up a nostril?* Or is it more complex than that?
Hey hawksmoor, thank you for sharing your PT-141 experiences thus far. My feelings are that you should not deviate from the subcutaneous injection. Not having experienced nasal administration success myself, it does make me nervous not knowing exactly how much will enter the system.
Btw, what kind of viagra dosage do you find compliments the PT-141 experience? A small amount of viagra/levitra/cialis seems to do the trick, yes? I definitely can appreciate the certainty the PDE5 in the equation provides...as timing the PT141 can be a wildcard.
I recall the high dosage clinical trial results, must be bias or bs.... This thread here may be a worthy view for information about nasal spray. Sterile water will be uncomfortable, you'll want to have the salt content match your ph to limit the discomfort of water boarding the peptide into your body.
Viagra had more or less stopped working.* So last week I tried the 100mg Viagra dose.* But, as you suggest, I think I could now use a lower dose.
I'm a bit concerned that tachyphylaxis may soon set in.* (This started happening with Viagra after about six months, and after three or four years the effect of Viagra often wasn't adequate even at maximum dose.)
I'm a bit concerned that tachyphylaxis may soon set in.* (This started happening with Viagra after about six months, and after three or four years the effect of Viagra often wasn't adequate even at maximum dose.)
If it puts your concern at ease, I have been experimenting with PT-141(/MT-2) for the better part of a decade and tachyphylaxis has not been a set back.
I injected my fifth dose of 1.3mg PT-141 yesterday afternoon. I went to bed (alone) at about 10:30 and almost immediately got a firm erection till at about 1:00am when, quite unable to sleep, and a little concerned about priapism, I got up for a Scotch-coffee.
I went to sleep an hour later, but I think I had an erection for the rest of the night too. This was a much greater response than the previous four doses, and the effect was perhaps amplified by the previous day’s first experiment with mucuna pruriens (a natural dopamine agonist). In those first two and a half hours I seemed to have increased desire as well as hugely increased ability, - it was quite cheering.
I've never experienced anything like that in my life.* Shame I was on my own.
I've only tried mucuna pruriens the once.* About 4g of powder mixed with water. It sits heavily in the stomach, and it's too early to have much of a view on its pro-sexual properties; but I thought it might be having a useful effect.
I had read on another forum of a fellow who tried it, and after his fourth dose was seriously impressed.* (Seeing it might help with dopamine dysfunction, I thought I'd try it too.)