Started my Australian MT2 journey today, I thought I would share the next month or so with you and also ask a few questions along the way;
I purchased from evolution peptides as i saw they had awesome reviews on eroids forums, also alot of people stated that shipping was fast. I purchased 3 vials for around $25-30 each, and they shipped from the US and arrived TO MY DOOR in Australia in a WEEK. To my surprise, i had a sticker and a letter to say that the contents had been opened by customs, however they let it through without any hassle.
I have a hundred 0.5ml (50 IU) slin pins. I loaded 4 of these with STERILE water (couldn't get hold of any bac water in aus) and placed it into the vial, making sure the water didn't fall directly onto the freeze dried peptide, more so oozed onto it and it dissolved quickly.* How long will sterile water last in the fridge as appose to bac? is it really that bad to use sterile water?
4x 0.5ml (50 IU) syringes full of water = 2ml of water in the vial total
10mg worth of MT2 peptide, this will give me the following dosages]50mcg dose = 1IU = 0.05mg
100mcg dose = 2IU = 0.1mg
250 mcg dose = 5 IUs = 0.25mg
500 mcg dose = 10 IUs = 0.5mg and so on
I loaded the syringe and filled it to the first or second line tick, so I shot either 50 or 100mcg. I am not sure as i've previously suffered with severe anxiety and after the shot freaked out a lil at the thought of something bad happening (I'm also allergic (anaphalaxis) to bees and have read about this being a possibility with MT2 and forgot exactly which line I was on.
so far, i don't think i've had any sides. I've done countless hours of reading and asked loads of questions leading upto trying this myself. I had some stomach pains/dizzyness and now i'm feeling really cold but i think that may just be me being anxious. it's really hard to tell. Anyone have advise on this? I'm also feeling really tired, but that could just be once again because ive been stressing about the jab for the last 15-30mins.
tomorrow i'll probably shoot another 50mg and continue with that for the rest of the week. 2nd week i'll go 100mg and hopefully wont feel anything further from that.
Sterile water is fine for a while so long as you maintain sterile conditions. This means ensuring you alcohol wipe all vials and body before injection.
It's most likely anxiety at those dosages. Most of the heavy sides come in at about 1.5mg. I've never heard of MT2 reacting with anaphylaxis, do you have a source?
Sterile water is fine for a while so long as you maintain sterile conditions. This means ensuring you alcohol wipe all vials and body before injection.
It's most likely anxiety at those dosages. Most of the heavy sides come in at about 1.5mg. I've never heard of MT2 reacting with anaphylaxis, do you have a source?
thanks for the response Tom. I think it may be anxiety also. I forgot exactly where i read it, i'll see if i can find a source, obviously being a foreign body i guess anyone is prone to allergic reaction with MT2.
I'll be jabbing another 50mcg today i think, maybe 100. What sides if any are usually present at these dosages?
Does anyone know exactly why/what causes Stomach pains/aches/headaches post injecting Mt2?
It's an immune system response, that's what causes the flushing and nausea.
Unsure of stomach pain and headaches, imagine it's more to do with an overdose, as I've never experienced these side up to about 1.5mg.
There are a few comments on anaphalaxis online but there hasn't been any reported issues in studies or the media - the media would be especially quick to report it as they are constantly on a witch hunt for melanotan.
I'm also hoping for an update. It looks like you've got a good plan set up. I definitely agree about the immune system responses, that sounds more or less typical. I'd definitely keep an eye on your symptoms though, just like you've been with this log, to look out for signs of something not right.
You're definitely right that anxiety can be a factor -- it's good at getting involved in almost anything new, actually. I'd keep a specific watch on your anxiety levels, and maybe talk to your doctor about interactions there. :c