Was a long time user of the melanotan.org forums and without it I would never have heard of melanotan and its benefits let alone try it out for myself. Could you pass on the moderators details I am willing to make a donation towards its bill and I think anyone else who used it should also do the same.
It's such a monumental loss of information and documented experiences it's just sad. Not to mention the users loosing touch with each other, which sucks because knowing how the peptides affect people over time important to keep everyone safe and healthy.
I tried to get in touch with Scott, but failed. If anyone has a working email address, I would love to know it!
Does anyone know what happened to the old site?* Been looking everywhere.*
Its getting that time a year again, ready to buy a dozen vials but wanted to check with members on who there purchasing with, this is my 4th or 5th year using it with no sides other than no sunburn and getting darker than a Mexican.
I was also on the old site over the years not too much posting more of a reader.....sad to see it is not active anymore as it was a fountain of knowledge ]
Also I was hoping to reach a supplier from there went by the name of "pedro" anyone know how I can get in touch with him/her?
I was also a member of .org. Sad... ]
I hoped to reach my supplier from there ("pedro"), too.* ;D
Anybody knows something about him?
Thank you very much.
Just discovered org is down , * had to register on here but under a different username , looking for Pedro too* .Hopefully he will be along soon as i had all his contact details in my old messages*
The melanotan.org forums have been down for months now. I was also a long term user there with lots of logs and personal information stored on it. Really is such a shame it closed down. I found out it was due to a funding problem that they shut down.
These forums are great and you will a lot of people here from the .org forums. I have just sent you a PM.
I wish there was access to some of the old .org archives.
I'm actually doing research on experiences with MT and looking to talk to Aussies who use MT I or II.
If anyone on here is from Australia and willing to share feel free to get in contact.
Im also from the old m.org. Id also be willing to giv a donation to get it up and running. I hav many contacts that supplied me with great info and MTII.
Is anyone on here from Aussie or know of any good quality shipping to aussie?