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  1. #1 18th May 2013 
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    Human Growth Hormone Dosage


    For anti-aging, general health & healing, fat mobilization]For these purposes, a dose of 2-3 IU’s per day will be sufficient for the majority. A dose of 1.5 to 2.0 IU’s is considered to be a full replacement dose for those in their middle-age and beyond.

    For gaining lean muscle and substantially improving body composition]For this purpose a dose of 4-8 IU’s per day may be helpful. Most bodybuilders will respond very well at a dose of 4-5 IU's per day. For maximum benefit in this regard, the additions of Testosterone, Insulin, and low-dose T3 are prominent in sport. More on this in our comparative cycle guide of IGF-I.

    Regardless of goal, as a general rule the best way to begin your hGH program is to start with a low dose and ease the body into the higher dosages of human growth hormone. This allows for minimal sides-effects of hGH; such as bloating, joint pain and swelling. Most can tolerate up to approximately 2 IU’s with few sides, so that is a good starting point.

    For many using this as a general longevity/anti-aging supplement, that is as high as you will need to go with the synthetic polypeptide. For others this will only be the start.

    Here is what a good ramp up program would look like]Weeks 1 - 4 = hGH 2 IU’s one injection
    Week 5 = hGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
    Week 6 = hGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
    Week 7 = hGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each
    And so forth until you reach your desired dose.

    If at any point in this progression you begin to have unbearable bloating or joint pain, drop the dose by 25% and hold it at this lower dosage for a couple of weeks. If the sides subside, begin your progression back up toward your desired level. If the sides remain, lower your dose again and hold it at the lower level for two weeks before beginning the upward progression. This method will keep your hGH experience a good one and side free for the most part.

    For a normal cycle of 5-8 months in length, injecting once or twice a day, 7 days a week should be fine. While there are studies that suggest that the suppression from exogenous hGH is short lived (about 4 hours from injection), there are no large-scale studies to indicate safety of everyday injections in long-term use. There are studies by anti-aging groups demonstrating that a day or two off per week is adequate to protect the pituitary and its triggers over long cycles. If your use of hGH becomes more a lifestyle than a single cycle, I would consider running it 5 on/2 off, or 6 on/ 1 off until such time as we have reliable data demonstrating long-term safety sans any degradation of your own output or the triggers initiating that output.

    Another option would be to run your hGH cycle everyday for the first two months to get your IGF-1 levels elevated quickly and to a level to assist you in an anabolism, then drop back to 5 days a week or only inject Mon-Wed-Fri and take the weekends off.
  2. #2 18th May 2013 
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    Re: Growth Hormone (Human) Dose Timing


    As described above, the body produces growth hormone in pulses throughout the day, with the heaviest occurring approximately 2-3 hours after going to bed as you fall into a deep sleep. Human growth hormone injections are completely absorbed and put to use within approximately 3 hours.

    Those that are between their late 20’s and early 50’s, there is still a reasonable chance that your own endogenous production of hGH is still at a reasonable level. For this age group the best time to inject would be early morning …. After your body’s own release of hGH in the night. If you get up to go to the bathroom in the early morning, this is probably the perfect time to take a couple of units of hGH. This will be the least disruptive time to take an injection of hGH. The second best time would be first thing in the morning when you awaken.

    If you are splitting your dosages, two times of the day when your cortisol levels are at peak, are when you awake and early afternoon. Thus another good strategy for multi-dose is to take your hGH injections at these times; as cortisol is very catabolic by nature and a well -timed hGH injection can go a long way toward blunting this catabolic effect.

    If you are in your late 50’s or beyond, or if for some reason you have a condition that has rendered your pituitary incapable of a normal release of hGH, a great time to take hGH is right before bed. This allows you to closely mimic the natural pattern that would occur if your pituitary were functioning properly.

    Yet another strategy should be considered if you are using insulin with your hGH. Insulin should be used immediately post workout. hGH and insulin do some great things together – the peptide hormones shuttle nutrients in a very complimentary way with each other, and the combination of hGH and insulin create the best environment for IGF-I production. If you are using insulin immediately post workout, this would be a great time to take a couple of units of hGH.
  3. #3 29th May 2013 
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    Re: Human Growth Hormone Dosage

    yeah Chris! great info and fast as always! uplifting and stoking the fire.* i'll do more research and reply back with some more detailed questions
  4. #4 28th July 2014 
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    Re: Human Growth Hormone Dosage

    Melanotan, here is good way to get the best bang for your buck with the HGH.*

    morning - 1iu HGH

    lunch - GRF/GHRP

    Post bed time - 1iu HGH

    If that is too much cut the HGH in 1/2 or even eliminate the PM does.* The elevated synthetic levels combined with the natural increases in pulses will give you some great results.* Especially when combined with test....yeah, the insulin too!* I like doing 10iu of Novolog before I work out.
  5. #5 5th August 2015 
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    It depends on the goal of the user. For instance, while those who have suffered serious burns or injuries are recommended to take up to 16 IU within a short period for a speedy recovery, those who want to increase muscle mass should not take more than 6 IU per day. In fact, if you want to avoid side-effects, a dose of 3 IU per day is sufficient.
  6. #6 6th August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooray View Post
    It depends on the goal of the user. For instance, while those who have suffered serious burns or injuries are recommended to take up to 16 IU within a short period for a speedy recovery, those who want to increase muscle mass should not take more than 6 IU per day. In fact, if you want to avoid side-effects, a dose of 3 IU per day is sufficient.
    Dose of 3iu is sufficient for anti aging benefits and maybe fat loss but for building muscle I would suggest 4-8iu
  7. #7 17th September 2015 
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    Well, I agree that the best dosage to use for losing weight or bodybuilding is between 4 IU and 8 IU. However, there are some people who decide to use 10 IU a day in order to speed up the process of building muscles. However, only a few dare to use as much as 10 IU per day due to the fact that most users fear the possibility of side effects.
  8. #8 20th September 2015 
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    This is really a helpful information, especially to those who are beginners. There are a lot of interested individuals who hesitate to use human growth hormone just because they do not know the ideal dose to take for their specific goal. This thread should be pinned in this forum (I hope admins can create that feature). Pinning of important or informational threads (though I know everything is informational here, but there are some that are really a lot more informational) is really important so it will be easier for us to see which post we should pay attention to (more).

    Anyway, I agree that 2 IU is a great starting point for anyone (no matter what their goal is). Despite the fact that our goal is bodybuilding, we can't just immediately inject 4 IU or 8 IU. We need to prepare our body for that kind of dose first. That is why injecting a relatively lower IU during the first few days is recommended.
  9. #9 20th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainamerica View Post
    This is really a helpful information, especially to those who are beginners. There are a lot of interested individuals who hesitate to use human growth hormone just because they do not know the ideal dose to take for their specific goal. This thread should be pinned in this forum (I hope admins can create that feature). Pinning of important or informational threads (though I know everything is informational here, but there are some that are really a lot more informational) is really important so it will be easier for us to see which post we should pay attention to (more).

    Anyway, I agree that 2 IU is a great starting point for anyone (no matter what their goal is). Despite the fact that our goal is bodybuilding, we can't just immediately inject 4 IU or 8 IU. We need to prepare our body for that kind of dose first. That is why injecting a relatively lower IU during the first few days is recommended.
    Indeed! I mean all of the posts/threads in this forum are relevant. However, the basics (ideal dosage, possible side effects and main benefits of the products/drugs) should be pinned so both new users and advanced users can easily discuss the first things that every interested user should know.

    I do not have anything to say with regard to the 2 IU starting dose as well. Before I started my dose with 4 IU and I must say that it gave me a terrible experience. I experienced prolonged palpitation and I did not feel really good especially that I took the entire 4 IU in one shoot. Crazy, right?
  10. #10 20th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_White View Post

    As described above, the body produces growth hormone in pulses throughout the day, with the heaviest occurring approximately 2-3 hours after going to bed as you fall into a deep sleep. Human growth hormone injections are completely absorbed and put to use within approximately 3 hours.

    Those that are between their late 20’s and early 50’s, there is still a reasonable chance that your own endogenous production of hGH is still at a reasonable level. For this age group the best time to inject would be early morning …. After your body’s own release of hGH in the night. If you get up to go to the bathroom in the early morning, this is probably the perfect time to take a couple of units of hGH. This will be the least disruptive time to take an injection of hGH. The second best time would be first thing in the morning when you awaken.

    If you are splitting your dosages, two times of the day when your cortisol levels are at peak, are when you awake and early afternoon. Thus another good strategy for multi-dose is to take your hGH injections at these times; as cortisol is very catabolic by nature and a well -timed hGH injection can go a long way toward blunting this catabolic effect.

    If you are in your late 50’s or beyond, or if for some reason you have a condition that has rendered your pituitary incapable of a normal release of hGH, a great time to take hGH is right before bed. This allows you to closely mimic the natural pattern that would occur if your pituitary were functioning properly.

    Yet another strategy should be considered if you are using insulin with your hGH. Insulin should be used immediately post workout. hGH and insulin do some great things together – the peptide hormones shuttle nutrients in a very complimentary way with each other, and the combination of hGH and insulin create the best environment for IGF-I production. If you are using insulin immediately post workout, this would be a great time to take a couple of units of hGH.
    Now I know the reason why there are people who take hgh hour before bed. Well, as I have looked back, I remembered that the ones who take the drug in the evening are individuals who are already in their 60s. Well, if you did not post it here, I would never learn about it. Thank you for posting this very helpful information.
  11. #11 22nd September 2015 
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    I know about the timing on when is the right time to use hgh. Many users say and even researches tell that it should be taken in the morning. However, I am not comfortable taking it in the morning. That is why I take it in the afternoon and before I go to bed. So far, I am very satisfied with the result.
  12. #12 22nd September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_White View Post

    Here is what a good ramp up program would look like]Weeks 1 - 4 = hGH 2 IU’s one injection
    Week 5 = hGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
    You really have a great suggestion. However, even when it is just 2 IU and 2.5 IU, I think it is still better to split it into two injections rather than injecting it in one shot. Remember that it will be your first few weeks of using hgh. You won't want to shock your body by immediately injecting 2 IU at once.
  13. #13 20th January 2016 
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    Wow. You really post long posts here and most often than not, they are really helpful and informational. I think you are really a fitness enthusiast. However, may I know what peps or hgh you are really using?
  14. #14 4th February 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Semin View Post

    Here is what a good ramp up program would look like]Weeks 1 - 4 = hGH 2 IU’s one injection
    Week 5 = hGH 2.5 IU’s one injection
    Week 6 = hGH 3.0 IU’s split into two injections of 1.5 IU’s each
    Week 7 = hGH 3.5 IU’s split into two injections of 1.75 IU’s each
    And so forth until you reach your desired dose.
    This is a good recommendation. Saving it up just so I can give it to my friends or other newbies in the future. This dosing schedule is really ideal. I also think you will be able to enoy the benefits of hgh through this way/pattern.