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As described above, the body produces growth hormone in pulses throughout the day, with the heaviest occurring approximately 2-3 hours after going to bed as you fall into a deep sleep. Human growth hormone injections are completely absorbed and put to use within approximately 3 hours.
Those that are between their late 20’s and early 50’s, there is still a reasonable chance that your own endogenous production of hGH is still at a reasonable level. For this age group the best time to inject would be early morning …. After your body’s own release of hGH in the night. If you get up to go to the bathroom in the early morning, this is probably the perfect time to take a couple of units of hGH. This will be the least disruptive time to take an injection of hGH. The second best time would be first thing in the morning when you awaken.
If you are splitting your dosages, two times of the day when your cortisol levels are at peak, are when you awake and early afternoon. Thus another good strategy for multi-dose is to take your hGH injections at these times; as cortisol is very catabolic by nature and a well -timed hGH injection can go a long way toward blunting this catabolic effect.
If you are in your late 50’s or beyond, or if for some reason you have a condition that has rendered your pituitary incapable of a normal release of hGH, a great time to take hGH is right before bed. This allows you to closely mimic the natural pattern that would occur if your pituitary were functioning properly.
Yet another strategy should be considered if you are using insulin with your hGH. Insulin should be used immediately post workout. hGH and insulin do some great things together – the peptide hormones shuttle nutrients in a very complimentary way with each other, and the combination of hGH and insulin create the best environment for IGF-I production. If you are using insulin immediately post workout, this would be a great time to take a couple of units of hGH.