I know, this seems to be a topic totally from out of left field.*
I am a musician/recording engineer, and I came down with tinnitus a few years ago.* I was diagnosed with mild hearing loss (3dB @ 4KHz), and told it was not a significant problem.* Well, Ok, but I certainly don't want it to get any worse.* Then, in the spring of 2010 the news came out that there was a significant correllation between the use of viagra and hearing loss.* Hmm, perhaps that could explain why I developed my issues despite having used earplugs since I turned 29.* At any rate, after a little research, I discovered PT-141 might be a solution.*
In my experience, PT-141 works unbelievably well.* I need a fairly small dose, and suddenly I'm 21 again.* Amazing.*
Lately though, it seems as though my tinnitus is louder.* Of course, there are many many factors.* One possible explanation could be that, since PT-141 works through the central nervous system, it could be having a direct impact upon the neural mechanism that results in tinnitus, as does caffeine.* When I abuse caffeine to greater than normal extent, the noise gets louder, but is not permanent, and has nothing to do with my actual hearing response.
There is some speculation that PDE5 inhibitors, due to their impact upon the vascular system as a whole, can cause damage to the inner ear apparatus.* PT-141 does seem to cause a feeling of congestion, so this sort of impact could also be a possibility.
There is also, of course, the possibility that we are having one of the most allergen potent Ohio springs ever, and that my chronic allergies are filling my head with a glue like substance that is resulting is less acute high frequency hearing response and, hence, an increased awareness of the noise my brain creates....
The feeling of being 21 again on PT-141...blood flow and the vascular system/feelings certainly could be similar to a PDE5.* Why is there correlation between viagra and the ear?* Pressure?*
What do you consider a small PT-141 dosage siriusblack?*
Very interesting topic.* Can only imagine the value placed on your hearing health.* Certainly will keep a lookout for info & hope someone with expertise can enter the conversation.*
There was a study done (the results of which came out about a year ago,) that came to a rather frightening conclusion: that men who reported use of PDE-5 medications were twice as likely to also report hearing loss as were men who had not used the drugs!
It's a pity that research on bremalanotide has moved a such a glacial pace.*
I usually need between .5 and .8 mg.
I do have to disagree with you about one point - PDE-5 meds caused me to feel like a 49 year old with an erection, not at all like a 21 year old as does PT-141.* ;D
I'd have a conversation with my ENT about this, but I suspect he wouldn't have anything to offer -as there is no research - and probably would have to advise me to stop using an untested substance immediately.*
I do have to disagree with you about one point - PDE-5 meds caused me to feel like a 49 year old with an erection, not at all like a 21 year old as does PT-141.* ;D
Oh I would agree with this, all day long* 8)
Hard to point to any leading experts in the field of Pt-141...be great if more info was available
Well, I decided to attempt to move out of the range of speculation.*
I went to the audiologist, and received very good news.* My measurements today are, as far as the audiologist is concerned, indistinguishable from those taken in 2009.* My hearing is better than "normal" in all frequencies except for between 4 and 6 KHz.* And the slightly below normal measures there would normally be of no concern to the audiologist - who deals with people afflicted with serious hearing impairment.* It is, however, crucial to what I do to be able to hear all frequencies, and, make no mistake, it is something I have to work around.* Plus, the tinnitus rages in my head nonstop.
Again though, on a more positive note, as long as whatever is causing my perception of the noise in my head to increase is not also causing my actual hearing response to decrease, it is likely not permanent.* (More caffeine, sinus infections, lack of sleep all cause the tinnitus to get louder temporarily)
So, if the PT-141 is having an impact on my tinnitus but not causing hearing loss (as the studies seem to indicate PDE5 inhibitors do) - I get to keep enjoying some pretty intensely happy moments in the sack while continuing to do my best to ignore the noise while I await advances in tinnitus research.*