The website is interesting and helpful. I started MTII 3 days ago inspired by the site. I have taken .3 mg 2 times a day. I had some nausea and the flushing the first day only. Based on reading the website I expected more sides. Will they increase later?
My skin tone is much like yours, Chris. Last night I noticed my skin tone became slightly yellowish/tan. It persists today. Would you expect this to happen after 4- .3 mg doses?
I am expecting to see quicker results with twice daily injections. Since I do not have sides, I will bump immediately to .5 mg/dose. Do you agree with this expectation?
Chris White
Senior Member
Must Tan 2010 - Spring User Log
April 08, 2010, 12]
Hey Josh, thanks for writing!* The worst should be behind you as far as sides go*
Youre already seeing some color?* That is great.* For your first time, absolutely could see that happening.* Getting any UV exposure?
Escalating the dose and exposure is the name of the game
Chris White
Senior Member
* * Re]« Reply #60 on: April 08, 2010, 12:40:54 PM » Quote*
Thanks for your answers. My skin has darkened this evening. My arms/chest/torso are tanning but my face/legs are reddish. This is consistent with how I tan regulary (after much effort). I have had very little UV exposure, just a few hours outside each evening. I am planning to tan indoor tomorrow for the first time in 7 months. I'll let you know how it goes.*
Chris White
Senior Member
* * Re]« Reply #62 on: April 09, 2010, 06:27:40 AM » Quote*
.75 mg this morning. I had mild sides all morning. I have 2 new brown spots- one on my temple and one on my ear. I am skipping a dose this evening and will try .75 mg in the morning.
I was outside almost all day. I put SFP 7 on my face only. No burning and a little bit of tan on my face and arms. It's real nice to not burn.*
* * Re]« Reply #65 on: April 11, 2010, 07:09:24 PM » Quote Modify Remove*
I dosed .75 mg in the morning and .5 mg in the evening. No sides all day. 2 hours of late after noon sun while playing sports. Very little tan but at least no burn.
Since I have several entries I will try to move this to a separate discussion.*
Chris White
Senior Member
* * Re]« Reply #66 on: Today at 10:19:34 AM » Quote*
Quote from]I dosed .75 mg in the morning and .5 mg in the evening. No sides all day. 2 hours of late after noon sun while playing sports. Very little tan but at least no burn.
Since I have several entries I will try to move this to a separate discussion.
Definitely take note as to how long it takes your skin to tan.* I know it takes me 3-4 days after exposure for me to turn color.* A tan can sneak up quick with afternoon sports!*
Look forward to your topic J.* Planning on lowering the dose soon?* Sounds like you have been hitting it pretty consistently
My face darkened for 2 or 3 days after the weekend's casual sun exposure. I also got 2 more small dark spots on my face near my hairline. I did not dose last evening or today. I will cut back in the morning to .5 mg with no evening dose. I will also keep UV off my face for at least another week.
I decided to dose last night and this morning. I am going to keep it under 1 mg per day until I finish my second cycle (10 mg). I read elsewhere to avoid UV on the face until 2 cycles are complete. I will shoot for this.
I got 8 min. UV indoors and some outdoors this afternoon. Got a little tan, no red. I covered my face in the bed and put a hat on with 50 SPF outside.
I have stuck with 2, .3 mg doses each day the past 2 days. No sides at all.* I am at about 12 mgs total.
Just one more brown spot by my ear. Interesting that overall my skin tone is much more even, despite a few brown spots. My face has continued to darken even with basically no UV exposure.
I have kept with 2 doses/day but bumped it up to .6 mg each. No sides, no additional brown spots. 9 min. indoor today with no color yet. I am finding the same as Chris points out- that it can take up to a few days for the tan to emerge after UV exposure.
Nice tan emerging from yesterday's UV. My face is pretty dark even with very little UV. The results are pretty amazing and really cool. I am more tan than I have ever been. I will continue dosing the same. Still no more sides.
Within just about a day my facial hair turned very dark. It is normally light brown with some reddish color. My beard is pretty heavy so I have very noticeable shadow. Despite having read about this I was not expecting it.*
Within just about a day my facial hair turned very dark. It is normally light brown with some reddish color. My beard is pretty heavy so I have very noticeable shadow. Despite having read about this I was not expecting it.*
What are your thoughts about it?* I recently took pics of the change it does to me...although the quality wasnt very good
It's fine. I never liked the reddish tint I had after a few days of not shaving anyway. And I defintely like the tan I am getting.
I finished my second cycle today. So it was 19 days to complete 20 mg. I got more indoor UV today.
I am about halfway to where I would like to be with my tan. I had thought I would start dosing .75 mg/ 2-3times a week once I finished 20 mgs total but now I am wondering if I should keep dosing daily at about 1 mg until I get darker. Chris, what is your view on this.
Also, Chris, I am curious as to what you notice when you have written you were "too dark." Why don't you want your tan to be darker? Is it related to MT2 or your preference?
Hey Josh. The Melanotan II has really darkened my facial hair. I am a dirty blond and my facial hair is now black for the first time in my life. I have never had a shadow this dark even after shaving. I was expecting some darkening of my facial hair but this exceeds anything that I expected. I am okay with all of this at the moment but I have to shave every day now whereas before I could skip a day or even two days. The hair even seems thicker.
I do wonder why my eyebrows, hair on my head and the rest of my body is not reacting the same way.
Also, Chris, I am curious as to what you notice when you have written you were "too dark." Why don't you want your tan to be darker? Is it related to MT2 or your preference?
Certainly my preference.* Always difficult for me to tell how I feel about my tone or where it is at...until I see myself in photos.* The link below highlights 3 different tones...I still prefer the last one.* I feel it offers me the protection and tone I desire]
Another reason I hesitate to get "too dark" is because with melanotan peptides...the tan stays with you so long.* I dont want to get too dark to where it hurts my credibility and I have to explain myself, lol - if that makes sense
Thanks for the answer Chris. What you explain makes sense. I have gone to a maintenance dose because I do not want to get too dark or get more freckles and spots. The change has been great and I decided to be satifisfied with it rather than push it further. As a maintenance does I am trying .4/mg every other day.
I have no pics. I have stuck with the maintenance dose. I have had indoor or outdoor UV everyday since Thursday. I am pretty tan and my face is probably getting too tan. Its pretty cool, though, to not burn and be tan. I can handle being too tan for once in my life.