Day 17: Morning dose .50 mg Melanotan II. Evening dose: .50 mg Melanotan II.
Some sun exposure today as well.
I plan to get a little sun on my face very soon. Seems like the rest of my body has caught up and passed it in tanness!
Total Melanotan II used so far is 14.5 mgs.
I may try Melanotan One very soon to see if the results are any better. I am on the fence in regards to this decision.
Does Melanotan I or Melanotan II give you the best tan? Does Melanotan One have less of an impact on the darkening of freckles and brown spots?
There certainly are a number of factors that I consider.* I do believe Melanotan One will effect your melanocytes and therefore freckles in the same fashion.* However it is so much more difficult to accomplish that with Melanotan one due to the lacking efficiency/effectiveness of the product.* Melanotan one does wonders...but the market is further narrowed imho.* It is a specific niche that sees value in Melanotan One.* Many MT-2 users get accustomed to certain expectations and when they transition to M-I they can initially be let down...for a number of reasons.* It's a whole new product and learning curve to deal with
In regards to MT-2, it effects my thoughts, feelings, emotions...but is one hell of an effective peptide as far as tanning/photo protection.* Melanotan One you need to be a lot more patient, spend more money and see less results.* That is not to say that it doesnt fit in with particular lifestyles, goals and requirements.* I love using M-I and absolutely support its use.*
I know this post does a poor job elaborating...however I will make point to think and write on the subj.* Great questions, truly impressed with this log so far!
Okay, I'm not sure what happened but I just finished off the second 10 mg vial of Melanotan II. I must have been dosing more than I thought or lost a bit somewhere along the way.
It would appear that so far I have used 20 mgs of Melanotan II.
I have a really great color coming on from the last to cycles. I am sensing that people that I am coming in contact with when out and about, I am talking about the general public, are just acting differently towards me. They are friendlier in some way, going out of there way kind of friendly.
So, with the color that I am sporting, tan that is a little red but slowly turning a nice brown, my blond hair and blue eyes are really standing out. I like it and it would appear that the people around me do also.*
No more sun for a few days for me. I want to let the sun that I already have settle in so that the red under tone has a chance to calm down, settle in and turn all brown. 8)
I have a 4 day beach trip booked in about two weeks as well.
The beach trip should be great with the tan and increased protection. How long do you plan to continue daily dosing?
Hey Josh. I am a bit excited about the beach trip. Who wants to go spend time at the beach with pale / white and sun burn vulnerable skin? Not me, been there and done that ]
I will most likely keep dosing at 1 mg at least until after the beach trip. I will need the sun protection provided by the Melanotan at the beach and 1 mg a day seems to be the dose that provides me with that protection. On the other hand, I have a feeling I am going to get very brown while there. I just hope I don't get crazy tan to the point of ridiculous. I almost wish I had a vial of Melanotan 1 so that, in theory, I would have the skin protection but not the tanning qualities of the Melanotan II.
This will just be another learning moment I am sure.* I will have SPF lotion with me and plan to use it every day. But as you and I both know, you can still get a lot of sun even with SPF 30 lotion on and about 30 minutes to an hour of sun exposure.
Hey BatMan,
Great job on the log - incredibly informative.* You asked about brown spots with M1. Well, I have been dosing M1 for a little over a month now - generally 2mg a day now (about 45 mg total). I have had a couple moles get very brown as well as a little "speckling" as you referred to it - so perhaps like Chris said there is no difference in that area between M1 and M2. However, it is interesting that I have not had any issues with dark spots or freckles on my face, which I thought for sure would happen because I had freckles as a kid. My face and forearms have lightly tanned from some brief outside sun, but I haven't hit a salon yet, so we'll see - and I live in the Pacific NW so we haven't had a lot of full-on sunny days yet. I have a vial of M2 waiting to get cracked open, but I must admit you and Josh have freaked me out a little bit with the face stories* ??? and I'm thinking of first seeing what just having a bunch of pre-loaded M1 will do for me once I'm actually getting some rays (t-bed or natural).
To BatMan, Josh and Chris - I'm interested to hear where you guys live so that when you talk about spending X amount of time in the sun and getting certain results, I can get a feel for the amount/type of sun you are getting versus what I get here this time of year.
To Chris - has it been your experience that there is less chance of nausea with a smaller dose (whether it's M1 or M2) -- I've had a few crappy stomach nights after 2mg's of M1 and I'm wondering if M2, because you can take such a smaller dose, would go easier on my stomach (I've noticed that when I go 1.5 or more of M1 I get the nausea).
"but I must admit you and Josh have freaked me out a little bit with the face stories"
Micah, I got the brown spots with my first 12 mg of MT2 and now they have stopped. Two spots, I would say are brown spots, the other 3 or 4 just look like freckles. What I have experienced so far would not come close to deterring me from using the product. (Chris encouraged me to continue saying the worst was probably past. He was right.)
My suggestion is to load MT2 slow- about 1 mg/day and keep UV off your face for the first 10 mg or more. Your face will probably darken without UV. My spots came when I dosed 1.5+ mg/day and got UV. Dosing 1 mg/day (.5 mg morning & evening) I have had very little sides. The results are really fantastic- even skin tone, brown undertone, UV protection and tanning- so based on my experience I would encourage you to break open the vial (and log it here for us if you do).
I do not live in a sunny climate and I do not 'lay out' in the sun. My outdoor sun exposure is generally playing sports or some time at the pool. I rely on indoor UV which, with expensive lotion, was the only way I could get a little tan and protection before MT2. Plus indoor UV took away tan lines. Without tan lines even a slight tan gives the appearance of being tan when I take off my shirt. I have a fit body but always dreaded taking off my shirt in public because I stood out like casper and often got comments to go with it. I am looking forward to not having to worry about it this summer.
I have a vial of M2 waiting to get cracked open, but I must admit you and Josh have freaked me out a little bit with the face stories* ??? and I'm thinking of first seeing what just having a bunch of pre-loaded M1 will do for me once I'm actually getting some rays (t-bed or natural)."
Hey Micah. Yes, it is true about the brown spots and speckles on my face and two that I really hate that popped up on my left ear, on the ear lobe and even inside my ear. Eeeeeks!* ]
To BatMan, Josh and Chris - I'm interested to hear where you guys live so that when you talk about spending X amount of time in the sun and getting certain results; I can get a feel for the amount/type of sun you are getting versus what I get here this time of year. "
Micah, I live on the east coast / mid Atlantic area. I have quite a bit of free time on my hands, a somewhat private backyard / deck area and gorgeous weather. So, I have been taking advantage of all of this free sun shine and with the privacy on my deck I also have the added bonus that is the sort that does not produce a tan line if you know what I mean.* ]
Josh and BatMan - thanks a bunch for your responses. You both seem to be saying the same thing about the M2/face concern I had, which is to stay under 1mg.* Excellent - I'm going to start my M2 today and let you all know how it goes!
Day 22 = 1 mg Melanotan II
Day 23 = 1 mg Melanotan II
Day 24 = 1 mg Melanotan II
Total so far = 25 mg Melantoan II.
No sun expsosure in the last several days other than just being out and about doing my normal routine.
Today I recieved one comment from the receptionist at my hair salon that I had a nice tan.
Then I received yet another compliment from someone else that I was getting tan.
Then yet another that I had a really good base tan.* 8)
Taking the pros and cons together I have to say that Melanotan II is pretty damned awesome.*
I did go to a tanning salon and used a tanning bed today.* The visit was free so I figured what the heck.* ]The salon claims that this tanning bed will tan most anyone after only three visits and in some cases two visits. This particular tanning bed, an Open Sun 1050 model, is said to have lower levels of the reddening UVB rays. So far I like the results that it is giving me and I plan on using it at least two more times which should allow me to give it a good comparison to mother nature's old fashioned natural sun light.
Oh, and by the way, I put a towel over my face this time around. I will probably expose my face for a few minutes the next go round.
Well, it happened again. I just finished my 10 mg. vial of Melanotan II and I should only be 7 mgs into it.* ???
Running total = 30 mgs of Melanotan II.
I used the sun bed again today but went ahead and did 12 minutes which is the maximum time the salon will allow in this bed. I have mixed feelings about the results. The tanning bed I am using is very strong and even though I didn't really get very red I still noticed a few things that I am not sure I like.
For starters, I see a bit of stress in the appearance of my skin. I hope this goes away with moisturizers because it now looks aged and less youthful. I also have a few more spots to report and one in particular is more like a bump or mole just inside my belly button and the color of it is "Black". Also, the other spots on my arms and back have darkened and multiplied. So, you might say that I have quite a few spots on my body now.
Keep us posted the compliments you receive, very cool BatMan.* How do you feel about your color at the present time?
Hey Chris. Give me a couple of days to let everything settle down a bit and then I will try to post a photo or two. I can say that I am "very" tan. I am going to twice a week on my dosing.
Chris, I am going to the beach this weekend and I am thinking about not using the Melanotan II during that time. I want to go to twice a week only and that would mean not dosing until next week. What is your opinion of this?
Wow, guys my tan is off the charts and AMAZING! It took a while to get here but man is it worth it. The staff at Suntan City recommended a lotion called "Blend". I have been having problems getting my legs to catch up to my stomach color. I applied the lotion on my legs and arms today and "Holy Toledo Batman" it appears to have worked like magic.
I did only 10 minutes in the “Instant†bed today. I also purchased a monthly membership but have doubts that I will even need it now.
Day 27 = 1 mg Melanotan II.
This batch of Melanotan Two is from a new source.
Running total = 31 mgs Melanotan Two.
Again, you just do not know how excited and pleased I am with my tan.* ;D
Well, I am off to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina* as of tomorrow afternoon! I will not be posting on Melanotan Head Quarters until around Tuesday of next week.
So, take care guys and gals and I will post again after that time.