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  1. #41 19th December 2011 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    You know, what oboer describes is truly a blast, but at the same time it's kind of a drag for me because I am sleep deprived most of the time as it is, and I usually can't afford to lose most of a night's sleep.* It would be really cool if you could take the dose that causes that sort of experience, then turn it off at will...

    There must be highly targeted bio-available products on the horizon...if only we'd know the amino acid sequence*
  2. #42 19th December 2011 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Doing the deed during the day also pretty much solves the problem as well....but when you work and have kids that's usually not an option*
  3. #43 2nd January 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    "[b]startl wrote] My wife has had a rather libido since the birth of our son and wanted to give this a try. I split 1mg into 2x500mcg shots admin 45mins apart(mainly to ease in and avoid potential side effects on her). Having felt nothing more than a light facial flushing after each she was happy. About the 3.5hr mark, I was dragged(not kicking and screaming, I can assure you. Lol) to the bedroom.She was more than happy with the little experiment, what was no more than a few cinders of libido became a roaring flame in no more than 4hrs."

    Came across this experience, thought it was worthy* ]
    Happy PT-141 in 2012
  4. #44 8th January 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Inconsistant but very interesting and enjoyable!
    I injected .8 mg peptide as I had the first time at 8]
    Next day I had a therapeutic massage scheduled for 10]
    I should probably also report a couple of sessions where nothing at all happened. If there is one not so tremendous thing about this chemical it is that it is totally unpredictable....but I'm not complaining.
  5. #45 10th January 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Dosage and Experiences

    Inconsistant but very interesting and enjoyable!
    Appreciate the headline - certainly interesting aspect of the PT-141 experience - love the masseuse story, haha - the worst PT fear!* Too funny.* Vacation beach MT-2 boners...office presentation wood...

    Bremelanotide is a wildcard - mind, body and scenario must be right

    At times it is random and spontaneous...at other times it pays to be relaxed and with a steady partner

    I think it is the unpredictability that enters in some fun...brings back youthful decision making highly focused on your stirrings below & thoughts => total head trip ]
  6. #46 10th January 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    I agree Chris. In my limited experience it seems that the more you "set up" the timing and situation the less likely it is to happen. Just be content with a surprise if it happens.
  7. #47 17th March 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    I haven't posted in a while because I took a little break from the peptide. I recommend a break highly. I had actually gotten tired of the sexual euphoria. What I cannot understand is that if this stuff effected other guys anything like it effects me then you would think this forum or some forum would be loaded with experimenters telling their stories, yet it is so very sparse. I can't figure that out. Is there something better out there.....I don't believe that is possible. What could be better than the euphoric sexual heat this stuff generates?

    Anyway, just an observation this time. Small, multiple doses, 6 to 8 hours apart seem to significantly extend the "window of opportunity". I have been at the very edge of an instant on-demand erection with all the sexual heat in my chest and neck for as long as three days after 2 or 3 doses. Any kind of intimate touching during this period is euphoric. Does anyone else experience this? Where is everyone?
  8. #48 17th March 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    PT-141 is the most revolutionary product on the market, bar none (also compliments alternatives/additions...)

    however bremelanotide hurdles]-no instructions
    -varying sensitivity across population
    -not targeted specific enough
    -poorly bio-available
  9. #49 11th July 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Last week on vacation I tried PT-141 to see it's effect on my Testosterone Replacement Protocol of:

    1. 5mg of Tadalafil (PDE5-I) along with 1mg of Doxazosin (Alpha Blocker) twice daily (before bed and 12 hours later).
    2. .25mg of Cabergoline twice weekly (Dopamine Agonist).
    3. 60mg of T Cyp twice weekly.
    4. .25 AI twice weekly
    5. 250iu of hCG 3 times a week.

    Tested 125iu SQ of PT-141 just before bed on a Friday night.

    Saturday morning woke with an incredible erection and libido through the roof.

    Had incredible intercourse in the morning upon waking and within 15 minutes had another full erection and was ready to go again!

    More importantly, my libido stayed insanely strong through Sunday with erections happening from just looking at beautiful women or having sexual thoughts which was constent I have to say.

    Desire lasted well into Tuesday albeit less but still there even now on Wednesday...it's like PT 141 correct a pathway as my libido is back and erection quality significantly increased 5 days after initial injection.

    If I can reproduce this again I can say that I hit the bulls eye for a 52 year old guy.
  10. #50 11th July 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Seems a little overkill to me.* Hasn't Cabergoline been shown to cause issues with heart valves?* I tried it once and liked it...kinda subtle, but lasted several days.
  11. #51 11th July 2012 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Yes, it can effect the heart valves but not even close at .25mg twice a week...these are extremely low doses and provides many health benefits for mid to older men.

    Also, reduces prolactin serum levels thereby increasing libido and it's an excellent pro dopamine agonist = enhanced libido and orgasm while enhancing feelings of well being.*

    It also has a decent half-life of about 3 to 4 days so just two times a week is all that is needed when spaced accordingly.
  12. #52 11th July 2014 
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    Re: PT-141 Dosage and Experience Quote

    * Want to feel 20 again?* *
    " I've been researching PT-141 for a while and finally hooked up with some of this 100% legal substance. I prepared it for injection exactly as recommended on several websites, and injected a 1. 5 mg dose into my subcutaneous belly fat near the belly button. Five hours later I was ready to hump any leg that came close enough to me. I was as horny as a bull in a pasture full of cows in heat. Any past ED issues were gone and there was a slightly familiar rock hardness that hasn't been there for years. That dose and subsequent ones have cost me some money at some local establishments but I was glad to spend it. I paired some of the doses with 5 or 10 mg of Cialis for a little extra kick and it added significantly to the overall experience. Duration of effects were between 24 and 48 hours with a 5-6 hour onset of effect. 10 mg of The magic substance costs around $40 shipped. Insulin syringes and bacteriostatic water adds a bit but I thought it was a bargain for a near fountain of youth.

    Mick. "
  13. #53 26th August 2014 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    Hello everyone,
    * * * * First time to post on this forum and I have a question. I have been using PT141 for about six months with really good results. Normally 3 or 4 times a month. Just wondering if anyone has used this peptide long term, like maybe 4 or 5 years. I am concerned about long term side affects. I do not tolerate the normal drugs like viagra because I have a-fib and they cause my heart to act funny. The PT141 is a blessing for me and does a great job with none of the heart problems. The nausea is a pain, but I have learned to eat some crackers every 10 minutes for the first hour and all is good. Anyway I would appreciate some feedback on long term use and if anyone with a-fib has tried PT141.
    * * Thanks Gene
  14. #54 18th December 2014 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    I have used several times with ok results. Nothing very spectacular but worth it. Then I procured a third batch from a different supplier and I am now totally hooked....blown away is probably more accurate. Let me explain. I injected .8 mg of the new peptide at about 9 PM. At about 10]
    Little did I know what was awaiting me. I fell asleep for a very short time and was awakened by a throbbing in my nether regions. I laid there enjoying the feelings. It felt as if my genitals were being engulfed by an orb of intense pleasure.....like I had never felt before. The feeling was undescribable. It grew into my chest and neck as I laid there in ecstasy. It would continue to swell and recede throughout the entire night.....for 5 hours..... It was actually as good or maybe better than orgasmic pleasure.....continuously.....for 5 hours. As I write this I hope that this was not just a one time occurrence. I pray it was not! I will take this ride again in a few days. WOW!

    Wow.. I haven't yet tried either product yet and have difficulty ever ejaculating, But, I occasionally 4 or 5 times a year can experience multiple super high quality orgasms, with or without touch... just serious arousal. (ejaculation still may or may not happen)* Reading this I wonder when I get a chance to try the product if it will increase the odds of such orgasms.* That would make it worth it all many, many times over...
  15. #55 6th January 2015 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    1st timer here.

    Ate around 9m.* Took a 0.5 or 0.6 mg dose subcue last night at 10pm.* Had mild-moderate flushing immediately.* Mild to moderate nausea within 15-30 minutes lasting approx 60 minutes and a small but normal bm.* I stayed up till 1pm, no noticeable effects.

    Woke up this morning (approx 10hrs after injection) with a real bad urge to shit (cramps) and morning wood which was odd.* I had bad bm but I attribute it to what I ate the night before (spicey).* Only other noticeable effects were slight tingling in my groin.

    Will eat a bland meal tonight and dose 1mg.* Will report results tomorrow.
  16. #56 6th January 2015 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    1st timer here.

    Ate around 9m.* Took a 0.5 or 0.6 mg dose subcue last night at 10pm.* Had mild-moderate flushing immediately.* Mild to moderate nausea within 15-30 minutes lasting approx 60 minutes and a small but normal bm.* I stayed up till 1pm, no noticeable effects.

    Woke up this morning (approx 10hrs after injection) with a real bad urge to shit (cramps) and morning wood which was odd.* I had bad bm but I attribute it to what I ate the night before (spicey).* Only other noticeable effects were slight tingling in my groin.

    Will eat a bland meal tonight and dose 1mg.* Will report results tomorrow.

    I would advise injecting around 5-6PM, it normally takes about 3-4h to kick in.

    It also isn't like Viagra/Cialis where you are directly physically effective.
    It's subtler and more effective than either, but it does require stimulus.

    If you noticed nausea I would advise against increasing the dose - at least not yet.
    Tolerance builds quickly, starting at around 500mcg you'll rise to about 1.5mg over the course of about 5-6 injections, no need jumping up if you don't need to.

    Another thing to consider is that because it's more of a mental effect, keeping in good mind is helpful. Light drinking is ok, but heavy drinking normally interferes.
    Things such as tiredness, nausea, drunkenness and negative stimuli all affect it.

    Remember that PT141 increases your drive, and as such can be used in conjunction with Viagra if you wish, that way you get the best of both worlds.

  17. #57 8th January 2015 
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    Re: PT-141 Doses and Experiences

    So I took 1mg yesterday at 7pm.* No nausea but the digestive problems continued today.*

    Other than that, have had a snake in my pants all day today (a viper...ready to strike LOL).* Also having trouble concentrating on anything except the opposite sex.* So the libido is definitely in overdrive.
  18. #58 23rd August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by normaltype View Post
    So I took 1mg yesterday at 7pm.* No nausea but the digestive problems continued today.*

    Other than that, have had a snake in my pants all day today (a viper...ready to strike LOL).* Also having trouble concentrating on anything except the opposite sex.* So the libido is definitely in overdrive.
    I'm legitimately concerned about that last part. I'm wondering if I take too much if it'll...uh, change me. My girlfriend would be happy.

    Good to hear the update, guys.
  19. #59 26th August 2015 
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    I think the best time to take it is at night before you sleep rather than in the morning after you wake. Sometimes, the erection can be overwhelming which can cause an embarrassment especially at your workplace.
  20. #60 10th September 2015 
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    I'm new to PT 141. Have been taking cialis off and on and this works OK but I'm looking to experience that teenage feeling again. Anyway I ordered some PT 141 from. Reconstitued as recommended and at about 11.30 pm injected .5mg. Went to bed. Didn't notice any side effects but there were no other effects either. In the morning I got up and injected another .5mg at about 7.30 am. Still nothing. It's now 24 hours since the second injection and I'm wondering if either the PT 141 is no good or whether I am simply one of those that needs a higher dose. I'm thinking of going to 1.5mg to see if that works. If I do how long should I wait before doing so? Would tonight be OK?

    Any help and advice would be appreciated.
    Last edited by David; 10th September 2015 at 11:11 AM.