Quote Originally Posted by pgaff831 View Post
Honestly you're probably better off with taking Whey protein after workouts if you want to build more muscle mass. It'll help replenish muscles and give them proper nutrients to fully grow. I've also read that Ipamorelin is good, as posted above, but natural or artificial protein (ex. bars, shakes, drinks) are still better for a healthy and strong body.
I think you are only saying this to say something. Yes, whey protein, working out, sleeping eight hours a day and blah, blah do help. This is how all we all started, but you reach a point in where you need a little push. Drinking protein shakes and eating bars won't give you the results most of us want. For many, peptides are the solution to what we're lokiing for. If you train for a couple years and still want more, then get more.