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  1. #21 17th September 2015 
    protozoan's Avatar
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    Does your girlfriend how serious you are in keeping yourself fit? If yes, then I think she will understand. If no, then you should make her understand that you really need peptides for you to achieve and maintain the body form that you want. You can also entice her to join your world. Probably, make her join you in gym and tell her the benefits of having a fit and strong body.
  2. #22 17th September 2015 
    glockman's Avatar
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    You might want to tell her in a public neutral place. That way if she goes ballistic she'll hesitate to cause you harm. But I admire your life philosophy; It is easier to seek for forgiveness than permission. Good luck though!
  3. #23 17th September 2015 
    mirandacraig's Avatar
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    If I were your girlfriend, I won't mind it. Actually, I would be happy that you bought peptides. I can just ask from you if I no longer have some stocks/supply. I am lucky that my partner is also into bodybuilding/toning the body. He won't freak out if he knows I spent a lot for peptides or hgh. Why don't you try to encourage your girl to try it as well? If she starts to use peptides and hit the gym, she will start to understand why you have to spend a huge amount of money for this kind of drug.
  4. #24 17th September 2015 
    stanleyr's Avatar
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    Just tell her the truth that you spent a huge amount for peptides. If she loves you, she will understand. Lol. I know she will be furious at first, but she will get over it soon! And when that happens, you can spend another 600 for your peptides. This is the problem when your partner is not a itness enthusiast or hgh/peptides user. Lol
  5. #25 17th September 2015 
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    Dude, just tell her the truth. ANyway, she will still find out eventually even when you choose not to reveal it. If you are using your own money, then you do not have to feel guilty about it. Just make your girl understand how important peptides is to you. Your girl should accept not just you, but your world as well.
  6. #26 17th September 2015 
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    Did you use your own money? Or did you use the money you both saved? If you use your own money, then that would make the situation easier for you. However, if it is the money that both of you saved, I guess that means TROUBLE. Even I, a user of peptides, won't be happy to know that my boy spent too much for peptides without me consulting or even knowing.

    For now, I guess you have to tell her straight and discuss your future buying plans with her next time.
  7. #27 18th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by protozoan View Post
    Does your girlfriend how serious you are in keeping yourself fit? If yes, then I think she will understand. If no, then you should make her understand that you really need peptides for you to achieve and maintain the body form that you want. You can also entice her to join your world. Probably, make her join you in gym and tell her the benefits of having a fit and strong body.
    I agree! His girl will understand it better once she enters the world of her boyfriend as well. Also, nothing beats a couple who have the same hobbies and interests in life. Your gym days will be much more interesting with your girlfriend. Both of you will work together toward a healthier lifestyle.
  8. #28 20th September 2015 
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    I love how other people have their own opinion about this. I actually think that it depends on certain factors. Is it your own money that you spent? Is your girl using peptides as well? Does your girl know how much you want to continue using peptides? Is your girl understanding or will she throw tantrums once she knows you spent too much for peptides alone?

    Anyway, just like them, I also think it i best to let her know. However, the method of telling her should be planned carefully. Good luck, dude!
  9. #29 20th September 2015 
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    Each one of us may react differently into this situation. As for me, I would definitely love how my boyfriend bought a lot of peptides. Lol. That is because I am using peptides as well. In return to what he did, I will not allow him not to give me some.

    Anyway, knowing that you are worried about what your girl's reaction will be, I think she is not using peptides. You better let her know now and be ready for the consequences. You do not want to make her angrier by prolonging the time that she doesn't know about it.
  10. #30 12th November 2015 
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    If he was my boyfriend and he used MY money, I will surely be angry because he did not respect me enough to ask permission if he can use the money to buy peptides. But, if it was his savings, I'll be disappointed, and tell him that next time, he should tell me and that we should not keep things from each other.
  11. #31 12th November 2015 
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    Maybe another issue that indont think as been raised, is how did you manage to spend that amount of money just on peptides in two days? Did you run out of everything all at the same time? Was there a deal on at your supplier so thought you'd stock up?

    I'm just curious to know that's all. I know peptides are expensive but that still some spending to go through that in just two days.
  12. #32 2nd December 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwarbi View Post
    Maybe another issue that indont think as been raised, is how did you manage to spend that amount of money just on peptides in two days? Did you run out of everything all at the same time? Was there a deal on at your supplier so thought you'd stock up?

    I'm just curious to know that's all. I know peptides are expensive but that still some spending to go through that in just two days.
    I think he was buying for months of stocks/ supplies. He used her/ their money, so why not spend on a lot of supplies? lol
  13. #33 3rd December 2015 
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    Either shes going to see the bank statement or shes going to see the gigantic pile of peptides stacked in the corner of your room, I think it's best to tell her. You are kind of worse than me inside of a casino when your talking that kind of money, I mean how much did you actually buy? A yearly supply? More importantly, WHY? You knew she would be mad before your clicked "Order Now". You'd better tell her now and take the lumps otherwise your going to pay for the moving truck when she leaves you for lying to her. It happened to me. DON'T LIE TO HER. JUST GET IT OVER WITH.

    Also, close your PayPal, Skrill, and all your shopping accounts. You have a spending problem, my friend.
  14. #34 3rd December 2015 
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    It will get more expensive down the line. It's like any other addiction. The only upside is that it might help you get where you want to go appearance wise.
  15. #35 3rd December 2015 
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    No doubt about it, this was a mistake! Perhaps there is some way of making up this money. Extra work on the side or sell something? I would tell her and try and make up the loss and Don't do this again! You should always discuss and agree.
  16. #36 4th December 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by PolyC View Post
    It will get more expensive down the line. It's like any other addiction. The only upside is that it might help you get where you want to go appearance wise.
    Agree with you there. It REALLY is like an addiction. The more you buy and see great results, the more you spend. The downside is you will no longer be contented on the outcome and just keep on doing it, thinking that it will still get better.
  17. #37 7th December 2015 
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    Even so, that's still a lot to have spent and the OP must have bern stocking up big time to be honest.

    Either way, I'm glad it's not me in that position and I hop it got sorted in the end.
  18. #38 8th December 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwarbi View Post
    Even so, that's still a lot to have spent and the OP must have bern stocking up big time to be honest.

    Either way, I'm glad it's not me in that position and I hop it got sorted in the end.
    Me, too. My girlfriend will surely kill me if I did this to her. I'm also glad this isn't a problem I'm involved in. I'm proud to say that no peptide is worth risking for our relationship, which makes me really grateful I can afford to buy my stuff without going behind her back.
  19. #39 22nd December 2015 
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    Real men face their problems as they come and are never afraid of them. She is your girlfriend right? That means she loves you. I advice you to go ahead and tell her. Do not let her realize it on her own because that will only make matters worse.
  20. #40 13th January 2016 
    brandonskie's Avatar
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    She's lucky that you only spent 600£. Many people here are spending more than that - especially those who prefer HGH over peptides. Haha! As long as you are spending your hard earned work, then I do not see anything wrong with that.

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