Hello all,
I am new to this forum. I was a member of the old M2 forum. I started M2 back in the summer of 2007. I actually get a tan in the summer, but it takes awhile and I do burn easily in the beginning. I have rosacea and I flush easily. I was curious to see the effect M2 had on this condition. It definitely helped mask the redness on my face. Every summer I would begin a loading phase starting in May. Once that was done I would only need 1-2 maintenance injections a week until September. I would stop in September once summer was over and not resume again until next May.
The first summer I used M2 I got way to dark. In fact I was black. It was kind of embarrassing. I was still getting a feel of how much I needed to achieve the right level of tan.
I never really had any bad reactions. I did get more moles that would go away when I stopped. If I used too much sometimes I'd get a stomach ache. That was about it. Keeping it hidden in the fridge from the rest of my family was always interesting. I have found compartments hidden in fridges I didn't know existed!
Last year I tried a cream and the nasal spray. I just wanted to experiment to see if it had any effect. Both didn't do anything. I ended up not using really any M2 last summer. I got tan, but it took awhile and faded fast.
I think I will give M2 a go again this summer. Probably very low doses. I have used such a variety of suppliers over the years. In the beginning there was a guy in the US which was selling. He got shut down. I started buying from a guy in Europe. I am looking for a new US source. I'll probably hit a few of you up to see who's a good one.
Anyways, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I'd be happy to answer based on my experiences.