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It is possible to bounce back, I have seen some get well after a lot more than two years, however this really is individual. You might have saved your self from TRT using HCG while "blastin". However, if testicular disfunction has set in totally, you are gonna have difficulties.
My suggestion is to stay on a very low dose of Testosteron E 100-150mg a week, then use HCG at 500 iu/day for 2-3 week with Arimidex 0.5 mg a day or Aromasin 10 mg-EOD. That will kick your balls in to action once again and perhaps stimulate the leydig cells in to producing natural Testosterone.
Start using the AI on day 14-21, when your testes recover volume and size. However I would be inclined to start it at 21 days.
You will need some Toremifene and Clomid. If you can't deal with the Clomid side effects, use Tamoxifene at 20 mg a day.
Toremifene 120-120-100-60-60-60
Clomid 100-50-25-25-25-25
Get blood work done about six week after that and if your testosterone is still low go see an Endocrinologist, you might need TRT.