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You need to give it time, I'm 2 weeks in to my new cycle and I have only noticed a degree of change because I look at myself in the mirror everyday for slight changes evaluating where I'm getting darker, w/ monitoring my skin for darker freckles, newer ones forming from under my skin that I couldn't previously see, white patches which can't tan..they creep up now and again but they only small, obviously moles too I haven't noticed any grow or any new ones form while I've been on for over 3 years. To test if a product works I say this to you - go into the sunbed 30-60 mins after pinning and tell them you want 15 minutes in there and if you don't burn a day after then it works / but if you do burn then I would throw it completely, it's how I know if I got good stuff or not. I've never had trouble w/ m2 and I'm a true type 1, I can't tan naturally which broke my heart when I was younger. You need sun while dosing I keep telling people this loading or whatever is an absolute waste of time I can only empathise this to you all.