Do any of you worry about wrinkles and/or papery, droopy skin from UV exposure? I love the brown skin of a tan but I've seen older people who've tanned a lot their whole lives and their skin definitely shows it. I think this page shows the type of wrinkles I mean:
This guy was a truck driver so only one side of his face was exposed to the sun for the last 30 years. You can see how smooth his skin is on the side without sun exposure, but how damaged it is on the sun side. I know he's a really extreme case but I've also watched people get wrinkles and just overall dry, papery looking skin from extensively using sunbathing and sunbeds over a few years (not using Melanotan). I do believe some of those effects would probably go away if they stopped tanning like crazy for a while and started moisturizing like crazy, but how much of that skin damage is permanent?
If you want to get a tan without aging your skin, and it seems like Melanotan could actually help prevent aging effects since you can get way more tan with less UV exposure.