I am an ex IV drug user so I dont really want needles laying around, and would feel kind of guilty using one.
I am type 1 or 2 on the fitspatrick.
So here is my deal]
I want to get a MILD change in my skin tone and I do not want things to look obvious.
I just want a bit of a darker brown glow.

I am curious of the dose.

I put 10mg into a nasal sprayer and computed 8 sprays equals 1mg.

I have done maybe .5 mg for two nights, and then took two nights off, and tonight just did 1 mg.

I am very flushed right now.

I am curious as to when I shuld hit a tanning bed and how mcuh more I should take.

I am sorry if this has been covered, I did some searching and found a lot of repeat articles on the net.

I am also about 143 lbs.

Thanks a lot.

Also, I have read that someone with my skin should do 10-30 mg of this stuff. But I do not want to get super dark or do anything I will regret.* I also realize that intranasal might be half as effective as injection, so therefore maybe I need 20-60 mg?!