MT2 And skin that is naturally tanned - uneven results?
My Skin that is normally exposed to the sun (e.g. most of arms, neck, with the exception of my face which I put sunscreen on) in the summer is darker than say my thighs which are a creamy beige color
so my natural skin color is like a 2-2.5, creamy beige color but some areas have a honey colored hue due to the aforementioned reasons
Re: MT2 And skin that is naturally tanned - uneven results?
Results eventually balance out, not without a lot of work, potentially.... The upper trunk of the body does require special care (sunscreen/covering) while on melanotan peptides (for the majority of users). My first few years of therapy I would target my legs and stomach to receive extra UVR. Having a darker natural skin color lessens the need for experimentation with melanotan imho. Further, if I weren't able to control the areas exposed to the sun, I may wait until the season/lifestyle better accommodates tanning on synthetic melanotropins.