I am a football coach and we just finished 2-A-days today.* The players had two practices of 2 hours each in 98 degree temps with high humidity and a brutal sun.* For me, I actually was in the sun for a total of 8 hours for 6 straight days.* I usually wear Nike heat gear where I am completely covered but with the dark brown MT-II tan I already had I felt there was no need.*
This year I wore a cut off t-shirts that was cut to the shoulders and shorts.* So my lower legs and arms arms were exposed to some brutal sun for around 48 hours total in 6 days.* Here is the strange part.....I have NO tan lines and absolutely no difference in the color of the exposed skin and covered skin.* While I got quite a bit darker, so did the skin that was covered.* I used .250 mcg on Mon, Wed and again on Friday during that time.* Even my face is tan and I had on a big wide brim hat that is almost like an umbrella.*
Very interesting BT, I too have found the disappearing tan lines an incredible feature. Systemic results from melanocortin peptides are something else!