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Thread: Topical MT2

  1. #61 26th August 2015 
    mooray's Avatar
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    I think such method is effective but I haven't found a product that is more effective than direct injection. I will just stick to injection.
  2. #62 17th December 2015 
    bl0ndey's Avatar
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    heya folks, Just wanted to stop by, im opening an online store, in which im hoping to sell Melanotan2 on the sly within australia as the government had restricted its sale for purposes other than research, and has made it extremely difficult for the general public to get their hands on it unless they know a guy who knows a guy. But myself iv been on melanotan2 for 6-7 years now, on and off. Started it when i was 18, and as much as i LOVE it, and ill be honest, i had an eating disorder and anyone who knows about those will understand that suffers will put their bodies through hell and back for appearance reasons, and soon as MT2 hit the market i jumped on that like wild fire....supresses appetite and makes you tanned, Hell yeah. Iv never been part of any study or trials, and although i still inject MT2 now, i think if topical was available id switch over. Im a very petite female, weighing 42kg, 150cm tall, i follow dosage rules but always found it way to much, i want to tan fast but i have had many complications with stronger doses. One being excessive liver swelling which lead to Cirrohosis (scar tissue of the liver). I always thought it was odd when i was on my normal course of MT2 i always felt bloated, and short of breath on one side. The feeling only stuck around during the loading phase, but then gradually died down, but still some mild bloating and discomfort to the touch of my abdomen started to become an issue aswell as slight yellowing of my skin tone, and the white of my eyes. Soon as i stopped MT2 the bloating subsides, but the discomfort remains a little longer. Scans reveal liver Cirrohosis, I'v found diluting the MT2 double the recommended amount has helped with the liver issue. Other sides effects included darkening of my Ash blonde hair - within two weeks i have instant hair colour change (and this is with the double diluted injectable dose). I get alot more pimples, some on my back which i dont usually get when im not using MT2, plus darkening of the genitals and around the eyes. Iv had to start bleaching the lady bits, and try to tan my skin to match the colour change round the eyes and...downstares. Once MT2 stops, the dark areas fade, but i just love being darker, and think a topical version would be perfect. I actually purchase dermal fillers, mesotherapy ingredients, botox, PDO threads for face filling, and have a large interest in anti aging lately, my most recent idea has been "permanent tattooing" using a dermal roller. Sounds crazy but if you learn about the inks, how it work in the skin, and customize the shade, you can predict the "fade" result, and while at the moment im looking rather brown on my arms where iv done it, i wont recommend it until i see the colour it fades to. I used green based brown, so im hoping it turns ash rather than red. But i was thinking, what about combining the ink, MT2 with the transdermal lotion and then using a dermal roller to ensure deep penetration of MT2.... either way, reading what you all have posted has got me in thinking mode, and im a happy little guinea pig. To kind of hide the peptide and dermal fillers etc i plan to mask the store as an "online clothing store" which i have, and hopefully have a link which requires a password. Iv already sourced the MT2 (i buy it in bulk lol) and made sure everything is CE certified and dont plan to sell anything i havent used on myself first. Im keep to know what this transdermal lotion is. I know "nano" particles are used in skin care creams to penetrate and enter the blood stream, is it possible that MT2 could be produced in nano form?
  3. #63 17th December 2015 
    Djen's Avatar
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    Melanotan 2 doesn't affect the liver, it was mentioned before.
  4. #64 17th December 2015 
    bl0ndey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Djen View Post
    Melanotan 2 doesn't affect the liver, it was mentioned before.
    may of been mentioned and while i have not being in any trials or research, i speak from personal experience of 7yrs on the stuff but i think everyones body is bound to react differently, and if i was consuming to high a dosage its only natural that the liver would struggle to cleanse the body. I first mentioned MT2 to my doctor during a checkup. he was aware i planned on using it regardless of opinions and suggested he monitor health changes over time. All was fine for a year and a bit, liver started showing signs, and we watched it progress with the use of MT2. I told the doctor i wouldnt use it anymore but continued to use it but diluted. Since the start of use to this day ive noticed increased yellow pigmentation of all aspects - eyes, hair, skin (the parts which dont see the sun arnt a pasty bluish/white but a yellow tone). Also sea blue eyes have since turned hazel green (no-one in my family has this colour and although eye colour changes happen, its odd for an adult to suddenly have an eye colour change within 6 years which doesnt match any relatives). One eye has a brown dot of pigmentation formed on the iris which i should get checked out, but all in all, i love how toned and fit having a tan makes me look and feel, Aslong as i dilute the doses i dont plan on stopping, and green eyes are ok i guess
    Last edited by bl0ndey; 17th December 2015 at 04:13 PM.
  5. #65 22nd December 2015 
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    I'm also not sure that people can say for 100% that it doesn't affect this or that part of the body.

    Everyone will react differently to different substances and this will be the case with MT also. While there might not be any research to suggest it does or doesn't, I think people need to be wary before they say for certain what NT does and doesn't affect.