Hi,* i just recieved my mt2 today.* I was planing on injecting 0.15 mcg and working my way up to 0.5 mcg...
So i know i needed 1.5 units on the syringe but i wasn't thinking and i enjected 15 units!* Is something bad going to happen,* am i going to wake up all freckly??* My head hurts a little but its been hurting all day so i dont know if its from the mt2...
But is it realy bad what i did?
Eeek... that's what this guy did a few years back.. he woke up looking like this!
LOL in all honestly though probably nothing is going to happen. Keep an eye on your BP maybe but don't stress yourself out. Now would be perfect time to catch some rays!* 8)
Hi,* i just recieved my mt2 today.* I was planing on injecting 0.15 mcg and working my way up to 0.5 mcg...
So i know i needed 1.5 units on the syringe but i wasn't thinking and i enjected 15 units!* Is something bad going to happen,* am i going to wake up all freckly??* My head hurts a little but its been hurting all day so i dont know if its from the mt2...
But is it realy bad what i did?
0.15 mcg ? I'm sure you mean 0.15mg = 150 mcg = 1.5 units on syringes (if reconstituted with 2ml water).
15 units as you took, are 1500 mcg = very high dose.
If you are not already sick, don't worry. Wait some days before you inject more and don’t get sun. Remember sunglasses so you don’t get moles in your eyes.
There are a lot of posts here from people that don’t understand mg/mcg/ml/units.
Remember]1 vial = 10mg
10mg = 10000mcg
10000mcg in 2ml water = 200 units on insulin syringe.
10 units = 500 mcg on both 1ml U100 insulin syringe and 0.5ml U50 insulin syringe.
Omg!* Bdvince you freaked me out at first lol!*
I did feel pretty sick last night,* and im still nauseous now that i woke up...
So should i start going to sun bed or not yet?
And tonight im thinking of dosing 0.2 mcg (2units).* What do you guys think?
Can you please link me to one proven incident of somebody losing their sight as a direct result of taking melanotan?*
I've read one anectdotal post on a forum about somebody who developed a mole behind their eye, which was benign but interfered slightly with their sight after dosing very high on MT2 but never read anything to indicate it loosens the retina or causes blindness.
Melanotano- i can get moles in my eyes???
YES moles in your eyes and other eyedisease, and blindness after loosening of retina.
A rare side.
It won't happens for you after 1500mcg cumulative, so don't worry.
I've read reports of people injecting* 5 to 6 mg a day. There was even a story of man having injected 6 mg at a time and he was okay. I remember that way back in 2008 they recommended me ( 100 kg) to work my way up to 2 mgs a day. Over the years lower doses seemed to be fine but I don't think you will have done something really bad. It also depends on your weight, how much you can tolerate.
I think the side effects of the eye are very rare.