Hi I will be starting Melanotan 2 in a few weeks but I just want to know does anyone have any idea of the dosage I should be starting on, I want to start on the lowest dosage possible first, how much ml could I inject daily? Also do I mix the melanotan with 1 or 2ml of Bac water? Thanks
I started my dose at 0.5mg (2ml bac water used with 10mg melanotan) so 10units (0.1ml)and I flushed really bad but it stops after a hour. Try halfing this amount first time. Check what other people are doing as well but this worked on with me
Ill try this then but half it an see how I get on.* I tried the melanotan 2 2yrs ago with brilliant results but I cant remember what dosage I used so thanks.*
Also could any1 pm me a good supplier, im in the UK?
I would actually start on .25 mg sorcha and just build up. Don't rush into high doses its not necessary. See how your body reacts to it and go from there.
I like using 2mL to reconstitute vials of Melanotan II (10mg). First doses being smallest dose measurable on insulin syringe, 1 unit has plenty potency. 5 units, give or take some, should be all that's needed daily.
What's your goal this time around sorcha2014?