I've been researching Melanotan for some time now, and I finally decided that I'd like to give it a try. I'm 22, Skin Type 1, and I also have Rosacea (centralized redness in my face). I do also have a few moles, and my shoulders are a little freckly. I will keep a documented log on my progress.
I'm looking to get a bit of color, and hopefully thicken my Epidermis. I purchased 50mg of Melanotan1 (10mg vials) along with 30mL of Bac Water.
The funny thing is that I managed to buy Easy Touch U-100 Insulin Syringes 30g x 1/2" 0.3 cc (rare syringe size)
This has made mixing a bit confusing to me. I'd like to inject 0.25mg per day for about a week, and then go to 0.5mg. I will hit the tanning beds after I'm about 5mg in.
Can someone help me get this stuff mixed?
Should I mix all my vials, or should I do one at a time?
I'm most confused about how I properly mix my 30mL or water in my 10mg of MT1.
Thanks for your help!
Re: Starting Melanotan 1 - Need Help with Mixing/Dosage
Welcome firedan5415, I can understand why you choose to purchase Melanotan 1 - best of luck attaining protective pigment & reducing common redness assoc with skin type 1 folks. 1/3mL insulin syringes are common and specified/clarified on/at peptidecalculator.com/calculator.php (hope it helps with the math/reconstitution) - hitting the tanning beds with fair skin and MT1...please go slow and be cautious!* Please only mix the vial you are using at the moment - the freeze dried peptide preserves best unmixed. 1-2ml of water is plenty for mixing melanotan 1* 8)
Re: Melanotan 1 - Help with Mixing Melanotan and Dosage
Thank you very much for the reply! I plan to do very light tanning sessions (and hopefully more natural sunlight sessions)
I checked out that peptidecalculator website, and it still has me confused. I'm assuming I will want to extract 30 units (6.5)X of Bac Water, and inject that into the 10mg of MT1?
Would you say that 0.25mg for the first week is a good starting point? I want to go slow and steady, rather than risk the side effects. After I see how the first week goes, I may go up to 0.50mg.
Sorry for the math help, it's nice to have someone double check ]
You run a great site here!
Re: Melanotan 1 - Help with Mixing Melanotan and Dosage
Thank you very much for the reply! I plan to do very light tanning sessions (and hopefully more natural sunlight sessions)
I checked out that peptidecalculator website, and it still has me confused. I'm assuming I will want to extract 30 units (6.5)X of Bac Water, and inject that into the 10mg of MT1?
Would you say that 0.25mg for the first week is a good starting point? I want to go slow and steady, rather than risk the side effects. After I see how the first week goes, I may go up to 0.50mg.
Sorry for the math help, it's nice to have someone double check ]
You run a great site here!
Great, thank you sir! - I like that you will keep tanning sessions controlled w/ added natural sun* 8)
Your math is spot on - yes, it is a hassle to reconstitute w/ the small syringes (for this reason sometimes I like to have a larger reconstitution syringe stored with my bac water)
250mcg is a good starting dose for melanotan injection - side effect from mt-1 will be brief nausea (most likely)