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  1. #1 20th December 2013 
    house02's Avatar
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    Help Melanotan 1

    Great forum... it currently has the most MT1 real user information than any other source...ever since melanotan.org shut down.

    Need some help with MT1 dose for Skin Type 1 (never tans).* I'm just looking for some color not a deep dark tan....would be happy with being "not pale".* * What type of dose should I run?* I was thinking .5mg EOD for 2 months and increasing to 1mg EOD if needed.* I plan on sunbed 1x week.*

    Also,* there is no real information about maintaining... do you think I could maintain the tan on 1mg per week directly before tanning bed?

    In my opinion by reading many logs,* MT1 is safer and produces less moles/freckles.* That is why I want to start with MT1

  2. #2 21st December 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Help

    Welcome & thank you house02, best of luck w/ your MT-1 journey - hopeful we are able to share insights* 8)

    To clarify, the skin type 1 user is new to melanotan? Aforementioned goals align well with your strategy house. Secret sauce will be patience + tanning (briefly) after administering the mt-1. Dose on the daily, initially.... Thinking of purchasing 20-50mg to begin, what's the investment/supply plan? Best hedge against super-dark pigmentation/sun damage is to control the flow of safe UVR, working to delicately balance developing melanin over time.

    Although the Melanotan-1 product is highly more potent than the natural counterpart, alpha-MSH, molecule provides brief action in the body (vs. MT-2*). Best to dose MT-1 often, maybe even at high dosages (to see results in those who never tan in nature) - upwards of 2mg/day was my experience once upon a time - maintaining is quitting mt-1, it's a bit more of a hassle to place efforts into the weaker/more subtle peptide - however the idea of 1mg mt1 + sunbed (weekly) will likely deliver results - yes sir, fantastic topic!!!
    *MT-2 potency is exponential over MT-1, crystal meth compared to coffee? lol
  3. #3 22nd December 2013 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    Thank you for the awesome response.* To answer you question, yes skin type one new to melanotan.

    What did you mean by "maintaining is quitting mt-1"?* Does this mean its best to go off and then reload 20 -50 mg again... or can you maintain with mt-1 with a couple doses weekly.
  4. #4 4th January 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    I too am on a M1 learning experience, but I will tell you what I have learned so far.* FYI I am a darker type 1, blue eyes with a dark red blond hair and mixed Viking x British heritage 33yo male.* I want the ability to go out in the sun without being sick on my next sunny vacation on an eco tour in central america.* I have been injecting 1mg ED and fake baking for 7 min per week for 5 weeks increasing to 1.5mg and 11 minutes for the last 2 weeks.* No adverse affects and no sides, though I did hit a vein once during an injection and left a small bruise.* My moles and freckles did darken slowly and unevenly, my facial hair is darkening (lesser extent scalp and even lesser pubic), and my scrotum and nipples are way darker.* Given the shift towards dark melanin production over pink type this should be expected on thinner lighter skin.* I recommend selective sunscreen (including spf 15+ chap stick on lips) or tanning with a cloth over your face and genitals.

    After 25 mg or so I noticed my pale white skin taking on a darker shade.* After 45 mg I am a solid Fitzpatrick type 2.* Given the rapidly approaching date of my trip I may choose to switch to M2 for a vial, but I would prefer to stick with the proven safer m1 version at 1.5 mg/d for the next 2 weeks.

    If you have extensive facial freckles that you are trying to minimizer, try 1 mg EOD. I doubt you will see much for results with a lower dose.* You probably will not be able to lower that dose much for maintenance, perhaps down to 2 mg per week.* You are probably better to do 1mg ED until you reach your desired colour and then drop to a maintenance dose.* Remember that the M1 causes the production of the precursor to dark melanin. Don't tan based on time lapsed, but rather 5 or 10 minutes after the completion of each 10mg vial to maximize conversion efficient and minimize skin damage.

    I can appreciate your desire to stick with the safer if more expensive version of this chemistry as I made the same choice.* Finding M1 can be harder.* PM me for a good supplier.
  5. #5 5th January 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    Thanks verywhiteboy.*

    Did your moles and freckles turn quickly black like M2 users report, or* was is slower changing and more brown?* Do they bother you at all cosmetically?

    Also, How dark is your face?* M1 might be a good choice for me since I mainly just want to darken my face while increasing skin tone all over my body.* More reason to just start with the safer more studied M1.
  6. #6 5th January 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1


    I am not entirely familiar with the different classifications of skin imperfections, the difference between a lentigo and a freckle from observation is not obvious to me.* I gather freckles and true moles are far more reactive to sunlight and thus probably afamelanotide.* But on to my experience.* I have one larger true raised mole left.* The rest have been surgically removed over the years and one was removed by an immune response.* It has darken slightly.* I have carefully monitored the charges in a flat mole on my forearm.* The increased melanin production was displayed unevenly in the beginning with dark patching that eventually filled in to even out the colour of the mole.* Other flat moles and the few freckles that I have darken evenly.* There was a point where this was more visible before the surrounding skin began to darken. Now the rest of the skin is darker and it looks better.* Noting had turned a real black color yet and nothing is bothering me yet cosmetically although I am monitoring several spots on my right cheek that had been darkening faster than the rest of the skin.* But as stated above they look OK when the surrounding skin darkens.

    My face is noticeably darker.* Probably because the normal day to day UV exposure* gets to my skin to activate the melanin.* The rest of my skin sees no sun exposure in this weather.* It is -33 C with a wind chill down to -47 outside right now.* I describe my natural skin tone as iridescent white and my face is noticeable less bright after treatment.* The absolute change in colour is made more pronounced by my lighter hair color.* There is a really good set of YouTube videos from a guy from Britain where he shows his progress with M1.* His hair is darker so the darker facial skin looks less pronounced.* You should check out his videos, his experience had been very similar to mine.* If you don't want the rest of your skin to darken, just rely on the natural UV exposure to your face and skip the tanning bed.
  7. #7 5th January 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Help

    Wonderful info verywhiteboy, knowledge is greatly appreciated, thank you for sharing* 8)

    "[b]house02 wrote] What did you mean by "maintaining is quitting mt-1"?* Does this mean its best to go off and then reload 20 -50 mg again... or can you maintain with mt-1 with a couple doses weekly. "
    Such a cool topic, apologize for my communication challenges & lack of clarity. What I meant was coming more from a drug delivery viewpoint - without the advanced biotechnology/implanted pellet peptide dissolving sporadically throughout the weeks...injecting research peptide mt-1 vials can be taxing (given the high frequency of pokes it's easy to feel like a pin cushion) - jmho, time away from the needle does a body well (kudos to those more dedicated however! lol) - I have not found mt-1 injections on a widespread intermittent basis to be effective (vs mt2 where it's a cake walk to inject on the min + maintain tan skin).
  8. #8 5th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    I just got back from vacation in the rather sunny Galapagos Islands and I have to say how pleased I am with the results of using the MT1.* I always used to suffer from a sun hangover after exposure even with sunscreen.* Some of you will know what I am taking about, the feeling of poisoning after sun exposure.* Completely gone.* No red blistering burns on the skin where the sunscreen was thin.* A truly life changing drug. So worth the injections, but I look forward to the implant being commercialised.
  9. #9 5th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    Great news! Glad it worked out. How dark is the tan?
  10. #10 7th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    My post vacation tan is really only a bit darker than when I started.* Mind you I was after the sun tolerance and protection effect and not the cosmetic.* So I wore some SPF 15 or 30 and did not bake excessively.*
  11. #11 9th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    I am a type 1, redhead.* Never ever tans, always burns.* I want to try M1, would you be able to recommend a good supplier?* I am in the US.

    I am choosing M1 because I fear the sides effects associated with M11.

    Also, I am a 5'4", 110 lb female.* What would be your dosing suggestion?

    Thanks so much!
  12. #12 9th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1


    Supplier info in a pm.*

    As for dosage start with .5mg ED as normally recommend to check for allergies and side effects for 2 days* You will probably have none.* Move up to .75 for another 2 days.* Then to 1mg a day.* That is likely the best dose given your bw.* You could try 1.5 mg if you are in a hurry, but I don't think you will see enough acceleration to be worth the extra cost.* Slow and steady wins the MT1 race.
  13. #13 9th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    Ive been doing MT2, 50-100mcg for about 2 weeks. Been in the tanning bed twice for 15 mins each. I can tell you that I am darker after 1 week of MT2, than I was after 6 weeks on MT1 last year. And yes, I do have the side effects from MT2....nausea and now some diarrhea. As far as tanning goes, there is no comparison between MT1 and MT2. My wife already looks like she's been tanning for a month.
  14. #14 27th February 2014 
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    Re: Help Melanotan 1

    No question mt2 is more effective, but if you have facial imperfections that you dont want exaggerated I would still recommend mt1.* Mt1 is tested safe with nearly no side effects.* Mt2 may cause retinal problems long term, but the evidence is anecdotal from what I have read.