I'm new to this forum, and new to PT 141.
I have a few questions that I hope some of the people on here will be able to answer
1) I have heard people say that it increases the blood pressure, but is that only on the nasal inhaler, or is it with the injections as well.
2) What exactly is "flushing of the face".
3) As for the flushing of the face, is that a direct result of the high blood pressure and if not, then from what.
I guess the next set of questions would be for Canadian's but if anyone know the answers then please comment.
1) As I'm new to PT 141 I don't know of any REPUTABLE suppliers. If people could PM me with some suppliers that ship to Canada I would appreciate it.
2) Can I buy bac water from someplace like Shopper`s
3) Do I need a prescription for needles in Newfoundland
I look forward to reading any comments posted.
Thank You in advance.
PT-141 over dosage increases blood pressure, adds to nervousness/discomfort/anxiety regardless the administration route. Side effects range from histamine response, headaches, congestion, loss of appetite, libido increase/yawning/stretching, lethargy or restlessness
Injecting the pt-141 bremelanotide research peptide subcutaneously, carefully measuring (as one would with insulin...) is crucial
Challenges for the peptide are the delivery and variety of sensitivities
Never should a user flush after melanotan peptide use - surely an indicator to reduce dosage
A user should assume they are sensitive (fyi to loved ones)
Because pt-141 use rapidly desensitizes the body, strategy for dosing for aphrodisiac experience is as follows]100mcg test/initiate dosage (evening)
250mcg testing dose (morning)
500-1500mcg recreational potent pt 141 dose range (2-4 hours before peak window of opportunity)
or simply, ~250mcg....give or take a hundred mcg
Nasal spray of 10-20mg is haphazard at best, certainly not well understood
Canadians have quality access to PT-141 shipped from N. America - no troubles with suppliers - PM for referral
We are a global leader offering Canadian custom peptide synthesis, purchase pt141 - Hope that we are able to help with Melanotan forum members research*