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  1. #1 22nd March 2012 
    johnnyboy66's Avatar
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    I don't know right doses

    Just got my shipment in and I've read many good things about it, so i wanted to try it out right away... but there's a problem I've read so many different dosing amounts I am lost...
    I received one touch u-100 needles for insulin with my order... and I hope I mixed it right to begin with I put 2 full syringes into one Melanotan 2 vile?? and for the first injection I'm going to barely do the 2nd tick mark on the syringe right?? and for the next week keep with that same dosage to reduce the chance for black moles and freckles right away? I hope this right... If you can shed some light, it'd be appreciated*
  2. #2 22nd March 2012 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: I don't know right doses

    Just got my shipment in and I've read many good things about it, so i wanted to try it out right away... but there's a problem I've read so many different dosing amounts I am lost...
    I received one touch u-100 needles for insulin with my order... and I hope I mixed it right to begin with I put 2 full syringes into one Melanotan 2 vile?? and for the first injection I'm going to barely do the 2nd tick mark on the syringe right?? and for the next week keep with that same dosage to reduce the chance for black moles and freckles right away? I hope this right... If you can shed some light, it'd be appreciated

    Well done, thanks for asking johnny. I would have also mixed my 10mg MT-II with 2ml of water to reconstitute w/ 100 unit insulin syringe.* You are right on - First and generally all doses are very small, particularly when measuring on a larger insulin syringe - sometimes it's easier to get a specific reading on 30 or 50 unit pins (fyi) - but no troubles with the 100 units, should accommodate administration without issue.

    Listen to your body and be ready for a shocking change, happens to all of us. The melanotan trials where they implanted the product...folks freaked & request removal @ about week 1. Trick is to dose the research peptide low and often as to emulate the slow release strategy - while being careful about receiving only therapeutic controlled UVR. Best of luck!