I've seen lots of posts on this subject but none with my exact question.....I have 1/2 ml sirynges with 50 marks on them. I mixed 2 full sirynges of bac water with my MT2. Was that correct? I started dosing with 3 marks for 3 dayd then moved up to 5 for 3 days and will go up to 7 marks today.* Is the dosing correct?* I can't figure out if I mixed it rite or not.* Am I working with 1/2 strength solution or is it correct? Are my doses correct?
I've seen lots of posts on this subject but none with my exact question.....I have 1/2 ml syringes with 50 marks on them. I mixed 2 full syringes of bac water with my MT2. Was that correct? I started dosing with 3 marks for 3 dayd then moved up to 5 for 3 days and will go up to 7 marks today.* Is the dosing correct?* I can't figure out if I mixed it rite or not.* Am I working with 1/2 strength solution or is it correct? Are my doses correct?
Thanks for posting
Your doses are fine, within range
5units equates to 500mcg given your reconstitution (potent dose)
next vial I would add 2ml to mix - minor detail however - good luck!