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There's so much information about MT2 online, but almost none about using MT1.
I want to use Melanotan but the number one thing is that I'd like to avoid moles. I heard MT1 has less risk of moles, but most guides say I should use it twice a day, yet I can't possibly go for a sunbed every day, let alone twice a day. So wouldn't this increase the risk of moles if I inject MT1 and just stay indoors 5 days a week with no sunbed? Perhaps even more-so than jabbing small amounts of MT2 followed by a sunbed once or twice a week.
And is MT2 really better? More powerful I know but, higher chance of side effects? I'd rather get a gradual tan with a safer compound if that's the case.
Here's what I have written down as possible dosing schedules for each:
Week 1 - 3:
0.1 mg twice daily
Week 4 – Target Tan:
0.25 mg twice daily
0.25 mg Mon/Thurs
Week 1 - 3:
0.05 mg Mon – Mon – Mon/Thurs
Week 4 - 6:
0.1 mg Mon/Thurs
Week 7+:
0.25 mg Mon/Thurs
Dosing is very conservative since I wish to monitor for moles. If anyone can help me with this it'd be much appreciated.