I have a nagging knee pain and I have made a decision to run Mod GRF1-29 + GHRP-2 for healing and other benefits the increased growth hormone levels provideI was told that it's a good idea to get some TB-500 as well so I did.
Age: 35
Weight: 93kg
Height: 185cm
Cycle protocol:
Mod GRF1-29/GHRP-2 @ 100mcg 3 times a day of each
TB-500 for the first month 6mg/week split into two injections, following 2mg/week for maintenance.
I am going to write every day about my experience with those peptides. I am not really looking for those peptides bodybuilding effects, more like healing and anti-ageing benefits but it would be really nice to lean out a bit. I'm not going to post my lifts etc, but just my feelings, if I feel better or not.
I did the first injections in the morning. I drew up Mod GRF+GHRP-2 in one syringe and TB-500 in the other one. I thought that it will be painful but no pain at all after I injected it intramuscularly in my triceps. Didn't feel the slightest pain.
The 2nd time I injected Mod GRF/GHRP-2 it was the same, no pain at all noticed nice warm sensation after injection and about 20 minutes after injections felt like I could take a nap right now. After 1-2 hours that feeling went away.
One question: How long does it take for me to start seeing any kind of results with those peptides?