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  1. #1 2nd June 2016 
    Firehawk's Avatar
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    Is random pigment on fingerprints normal on MT2?

    so i have some random speckled pigment on my thumbprint, just noticed it lately so im guessing it MT2 related. Just thought it was an odd place, anyone else had any freckles or pigment pop up on their palms or fingerprints from MT2?
  2. #2 2nd June 2016 
    jarofhearts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firehawk View Post
    so i have some random speckled pigment on my thumbprint, just noticed it lately so im guessing it MT2 related. Just thought it was an odd place, anyone else had any freckles or pigment pop up on their palms or fingerprints from MT2?
    It is indeed quite an odd place. But I think that it's completely normal.
  3. #3 2nd June 2016 
    click_me's Avatar
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    It is perfectly normal, I've some those kinds of freckles. One is on the palm of my hand close to my wrist, few on my fingers, and I have checked all of them with doctor.
  4. #4 2nd June 2016 
    protozoan's Avatar
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    Yes, it's possible to have freckles anywhere.. don't be concerned about this until you can feel it as you can not feel freckles, so if you can feel the bump of what you call a freckle then probably it really is a mole. But moles could be dangerous.

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