When it comes to melanotan, what do you think is the best size pin? Is it based on your own comfort level?
When it comes to melanotan, what do you think is the best size pin? Is it based on your own comfort level?
1cc pins should do the trick. Remember to be safe with sterilization. Last think you want is an infection. Rub everything down with alcohol.
For peptides go with 29g and i suggest 50IU syringes instead of 100IU as needle is shorter on them. You don't need long needle for subq injections.
I agree with Semin, the 50IU syringes also have smaller incremental scales on the side so they're easier to read when measuring the low doses associated with peptides.
Thank you all so much! You've answered all my questions!
I was reading through the tutorial about reconstitution and I got a little confused.
That makes sense, except how much melanotan powder do I need to reconstitute with 1ml of water in order to get those amounts? Is it 10mg?
If there is 100 units in a ml, then adding 10mg (10,000mcg) of Melanotan should make it 100mcg per unit, right? Am I understanding this correctly?
that is correct. mt usually comes in 10mg glass too