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  1. #1 1st September 2015 
    THwhOR's Avatar
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    A Few Questions From A Type 1

    Hey everyone,

    I've read the sticky and quite a few posts on the forum. I've known about Melanotan for a couple years, and always wanted to try it but haven't for one simple reason: fear. Fear of the unknown. I've had myself convinced numerous times that I would finally do it, and backed out again, and again. The only knock I've ever gotten my whole life was that I was "way too pale", or "albino" (Which I'm not, and there is nothing wrong with being.)

    I could go into great detail about all this but the point is: I do have some insecurities built up about my Type 1 skin that can only get the slightest bit of color at the lengths of what must surely be doing some damage to my skin.

    Like so many things in life theres mixed reviews, some people claim this will destroy you, others can't live without it. So I just wanted to gather some opinions of actual users, and perhaps if theres any other Type 1 people out there who have had positive results; If they could perhaps share their experience and give me that push to finally make the jump and try it.

    My real concerns: New moles appearing, patchy colored skin, buying a bad product, something severe health related, any of those previously listed irreversible.

    I know we aren't supposed to discuss sellers on here, so I won't but if perhaps someone could pm me and 'point' me in the right direction that would also be greatly appreciated.

    Also on another note if there was interest, and I do make the leap. I would be willing to post progress pictures to show the results a true type 1 user can expect. (Obviously would vary from individual, but still nice to have these things available when making the decision for others.)

    Sorry my post is so long, I really appreciate the time anyone out there took to read it.

    ~ Cheers.
  2. #2 1st September 2015 
    peptideguru's Avatar
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    Hi THwhOR,

    While I'm not a type 1 myself, so have no personal stories, I can help with some of your questions.

    All effects from Melanotan are reversible - but generally take a couple of months to go back to normal (based on how quickly your skin sheds).
    Moles obviously don't work in that way but they take a similar amount of time. If you have a large number of moles then it may be worth considering MT1 as it affects them less. If you have none, then you'll be fine with MT2 as new ones don't technically appear, it just enhances your minuscule ones to a decent size - IF they're likely to change anyway, think of it as just speeding up the process. This can actually help you identify problem moles before a problem exists.
    Patchy coloured skin is generally a result of yeast infections, Vitiligo, Eczema and other skin conditions. If you have any of those they're also worth seeking treatment before starting.

    The main health issues with Melanotan are actually indirect - the most common being anxiety.
    This comes from the fear of needles, bacteria, bad products, or anything - and affects quite a lot of people when it shouldn't.
    There's also a chance it's from bad product but if you buy it from a reliable supplier you're fine.
    Just make sure you're confident with the process, which you can do from reading my guide (although sounds like you have already, it may be worth a re-read when your MT arrives).

    Lastly, it boils down to 2 choices;
    Melanotan 1 - More expensive (due to higher doses for results), slower, but safer
    Melanotan 2 - Less expensive (due to low doses for better results), faster, slightly more risks.
  3. #3 2nd September 2015 
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    Thank you for the reply pg.

    Bacteria sounds like its manageable with the information provided in your guide, assuming the product itself is good. I guess I do have quite a few 'tiny tiny' moles. However are that doesn't necessarily mean that they're prone to grow, does it? MT-1 seems like a considerable amount more work with multiple needles a day.

    Vitiligo was a concern of mine, as I heard a horror story of someone being so white they didn't know they had it until using MT2.

    I'll be looking into finding a reliable supplier in the mean-time.

    Thank you again so much, I appreciate your time very much.
  4. #4 2nd September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by THwhOR View Post
    Thank you for the reply pg.

    Bacteria sounds like its manageable with the information provided in your guide, assuming the product itself is good. I guess I do have quite a few 'tiny tiny' moles. However are that doesn't necessarily mean that they're prone to grow, does it? MT-1 seems like a considerable amount more work with multiple needles a day.

    Vitiligo was a concern of mine, as I heard a horror story of someone being so white they didn't know they had it until using MT2.

    I'll be looking into finding a reliable supplier in the mean-time.

    Thank you again so much, I appreciate your time very much.
    Unfortunately there's no real way to know if they'll grow until you start, however you have a few options if they do.
    Glad I could help you!
  5. #5 15th September 2015 
    JamesParker's Avatar
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    If you are worried go with M1, its much slower and safer.

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