I have never formally received extensive knowledge about peptides so I am seeking it now.
What effects do they have on the body? How can I get them?
I have never formally received extensive knowledge about peptides so I am seeking it now.
What effects do they have on the body? How can I get them?
It depends on the type of peptide it is - what region of the body, or function, it helps stimulate or heal. You may get peptides online - by ordering them - or from your pharmacy, or many other ways.
Peptides have many benefits. Most popular peptides will help to build muscle, burn fat, slow the aging process, prevent skin cancer, assist tanning, increase healing speed, treat sexual dysfunction and boost overall well being.
From what I understand the peptides are something fairly knew. There are obvious advantages and there are some known side effects. At the same time, as most other substances, the true effect of them in our bodies is only know with time, usually only after some decades.
The effect of peptides varies depending on what kind it is. The most common ones are muscle gain, burning fat, prevent cancer, etc. It also depends on what area of the body it is being concentrated in.
Peptides have been known and isolated for about 100 years now, however we've only been synthesizing them for about 25.
I'd also like to point out that people are pointing out 'preventing (skin) cancer' as an effect of a peptide, I believe in reference to MT1/2, while this simply isn't true.
MT1/2 allows your body to produce a tan, or produce it stronger/faster - the tan is what reduces your chances of getting skin cancer as it's a natural defense to UV rays.
I've heard way too many times about people using MT only to go out and spend hours in the sun and wondering why the MT didn't magically protect them from burning, but it doesn't work that way.
So if they are fairly old as you indicate why is it still so hard to get them? Is development taking a big leap these days and new discoveries being made?
So the tan is actually a protection from getting the UV rays, never knew that!
I would say they are better than steroids. In fact, the side effects are not that serious if you stick to normal dosage of about 3 UI per day. You can use it to gain lean body muscle and lose weight.
Because each individual peptide needs to go through rigorous processes: isolated -> patented -> synthesised -> tested -> approved -> funded -> further testing -> human trials -> government approval -> further funding -> mass production.
From start to finish it takes about 4-5 years and anywhere between $10-100+ million.
And many of the peptides are being made elsewhere illegally so there's little incentive for them to monetize their patent when they won't recover costs.
Last edited by peptideguru; 8th August 2015 at 09:04 AM.
I think it will depend most on what you are needing the peptide for. If you want to get into using peptides, I think it would be best to do some research with an internet search.
Peptides are used as an anti-aging ingredient to a beauty product or you can shoot them directly for body building. It is hard to defend the use of it as many people still believe that it is illegal to use peptides. But compared to other enhancing drugs, peptides are more affordable. You can ask people in this forum as for suppliers through private messaging.I don't think we are allowed to promote any companies.
From what I understand peptides come in different types. Each one enhances a particular function of your body, hair growing, muscles, fat burning, etc. Just like everything else, you should research for yourself and see if the benefits are good enough for you. Always remember to use them in moderation and in a responsible manner.
First of all, you have to know that we already have peptides in our body. The only reason we are taking peptides supplements is because we nee to maintain a certain level of it to stay healthy and keep our body fit. Peptides are proteins. It is a great supplement to take by those who want to build some muscles.
Peptides is known for its weight loss and anti-aging properties. It is great in losing weight and building body muscles. Unlike hgh, it usually takes a little longer before you can see its result. However, it is way more affordable compared to hgh. Common side effects you might experience when you overdose yourself with peptides are water retention, headaches and enlargement of some organs, such as your clitoris.
Peptides is effective in improving your skin, improving your sleep pattern, burning fat, treating muscle sore and toning your body. These are the most common benefits we can get from using peptides. If there are benefits in using peptides, there are also some negative effects. The common ones are water retention and the possibility of man boobs growth (which is really an awful side effect).
While we don't know everything about peptides yet, we have basic knowledge about the drugs. The drugs won't be sold and used if the true effect isn't known. Peptides help us lose weight and grow body muscles. This is certain considering the results that the users enjoy. What is not certain is its side effect. Many people claim that it is dangerous to our health. Nonetheless, despite the fact that there are many people who have been using the drug for a very long time, there are still no proven cases that peptides cause a major side effect to the user.
Many people say that hair loss and death are among the side effects of peptides, but I must say that these are not true. I am 55 years old and I have been using peptides for more than 20 years yet my hair is still in its good condition.