All products listed and provided through Buy Peptides are intended for research purposes only. Products provided by USAPeptides are not intended for use in food products or as any type of supplement. Our products are not intended to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease or medical condition and are for research purposes only.
What are peptides?
Peptides play a crucial role in fundamental physiological and biochemical functions of life. For decades now, peptide research is a continuously growing field of science. Peptide is a molecule formed by joining two or more amino acids. When the number of amino acids is less than about 50 these molecules are named peptides while larger sequences are referred to as proteins.
The amino acids are coupled by a peptide bond, a special linkage in which the nitrogen atom of one amino acid binds to the carboxyl carbon atom of another. Peptides (proteins) are present in every living cell and possess a variety of biochemical activities. They appear as enzymes, hormones, antibiotics, receptors, etc.
Synthetic peptides may be useful in structure-function studies of polypeptides, as peptide hormones and hormone analogues, in the preparation of cross-reacting antibodies, and in the design of novel enzymes.
Mixed Peptdies
Storage]Expiry: Use within 8-12 weeks of mixing durable peptide hormones. Unmixed Peptides
Storage]Expiry: Peptide to remain stable up to 4 years+ in the fridge/freezer.
*Beware of the refrigerator that repeats freeze-thaw cycles causing potential damage to the peptide.