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  1. #1 6th April 2015 
    jules's Avatar
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    Melanotan 2, dermatitis and rosacea

    Hi Guys and Girls,
    Would love your help with this.....
    I'll try to keep a long story very short.......
    I was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis at 16 - on my face.
    I was prescribed sigmacort (a topical steroid) to get it under control.
    It should only be used for months.
    I used it for years (young, dumb and naive).
    A result of this is that now i have (and have had for the past 20 years) steroid induced Rosacea.
    The use of the steroid thins the skin, hence its now always red and very sensitive.

    I have read a lot of articles about people using melanoton to tan and hide the redness of their rosacea.
    This is one reason i'm wanting to use it.
    But i have also read that melanoton thickens the skin - as much as 300% more than standard.
    which would be great for me as i am very very sensitive to artificial heat (and i live in the city known for it being cold more so than being warm) and heaters are on in winter EVERYWHERE I go - making my life a living hell.

    So my question in this....

    I know sun (solarium, UV) exposure "activates" the melanotan and this helps us go brown.
    But if i take the melanotan WITHOUT exposing myself to the sun, will i still change colour (i.e., go brown just not to the same extent as if i was using a solarium); and part 2 of the question is - do i need sun exposure to give me the thickening of the skin that i so crave for? In other words, will the melanotan thicken my skin even without sun exposure?

    Sorry it's a little long winded, but wanted to explain why i wanted to use the product before i asked the question, so as you didn't think i was a bit weird......

    Cheers, and thanks for listening........

  2. #2 24th April 2015 
    melanotano's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan 2, dermatitis and rosacea

    Do not use this horrible topical steroid creme.
    Go with natural sun and beachwater.
    Melanotan will really help against rosacea, but Melanotan is a poor sunless tanner.
    You will need a lot of natural sun for skinthickening.

    Go for it, it will change your live :-)
  3. #3 26th April 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 2, dermatitis and rosacea

    Thanks melanotano.
    I know the cream is horrible. but too little too late i suppose.
    I've been on the tan now for almost 3 weeks, and even without sun (as it's winter here) or solariums (banned as of jan 1st) i've noticed a great improvement in the look of my face.
    It is a fair bit browner, hence the difference between my red nose and cheeks, and my now brown face, is a lot less noticeable. As before i had a red nose and cheeks, and a white face, it was very noticeable.
    I think this makes me think about it less, and therefore i am less prone to blush about it.
    So i think i'm gonna stick to this and see what happens.
    I'll have to get out and play a bit more golf so as to get some natural sun so as to thick up this skin a little as well.
    Hoping this will make me less sensitive to indoor artificial heat.
    fingers crossed......
  4. #4 28th April 2015 
    mlc2010's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan 2, dermatitis and rosacea

    jules, what was your dosing protocol?
  5. #5 4th May 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 2, dermatitis and rosacea

    jules, what was your dosing protocol?

    Go with 500 mcg every day.