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  1. #1 27th February 2011 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Skin Wrinkles Report

    An in-depth report on the treatment and prevention of wrinkles.

    The best way to prevent skin damage in any case is to avoid episodes of excessive sun exposure. The following are some specific guidelines]
    Use sunscreens that block out both UVA and UVB radiation. However, do not rely on them only for sun protection. Also wear protective clothing and sunglasses.
    Avoid exposure particularly during the hours of 10 AM to 4 PM when sunlight pours down 80% of its daily UV dose.
    Avoid reflective surfaces, such as water, sand, concrete, and white-painted areas. (Clouds and haze are not protective and in some cases may intensify UVB rays.)
    Ultraviolet intensity depends on the angle of the sun, not heat or brightness. So the dangers are greater the closer to the summer-start date. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, UV intensity in April (two months before summer starts) is equal to that in August (two months after summer begins).
    The higher the altitude the quicker one sunburns. (One study suggested, for example, that an average complexion burns at six minutes at 11,000 feet at noon compared to 25 minutes at sea level in a temperate climate.)
    Avoid sun lamps, and tanning beds or salons. They provide mostly high-output UVA rays. Some experts believe that 15 to 30 minutes at a tanning salon is as dangerous as a day spent in the sun. People should not be misled by advertising claims of "safe" tanning or promotions offering unlimited tanning.
    Sunscreens. The use of sunscreens is complex and everyone should understand how and when to use them. The bottom line is not that people should avoid sunscreens or sunblocks, but that they should always use them in combination with other sun-protective measures.

    Protective Clothing. Wearing sun-protective clothing is extremely important and protects even better than sunscreens. Special clothing is now available for blocking UV rays and is rated using SPF ratings or a system called the UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) index, with 50 UPF being the highest. (According to one study, this is a very reliable indicator of protection.) The clothing is expensive, however. The following are some tips for anyone]
    Everyone, including children, should wear hats with wide brims. (Even wearing a hat, however, may not be fully protective against skin cancers on the head and neck.)
    People should look for loosely fitted, unbleached, tightly woven fabrics. The tighter the weave, the more protective the garment.
    Washing clothes over and over improves UPF by drawing fabrics together during shrinkage. An easy way to assess protection is simply to hold the garment up to a window or lamp and see how much light comes through. The less the better.
    Everyone over age one should wear sunglasses that block all UVA and UVB ray.

    Chemical Tanners
    Some research suggests that melanin and dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the active ingredients in many self-tanning lotions, may help filter out UVA and UVB radiation and so be protective against sun damage. More research is underway. A preliminary study funded by the National Cancer Institute found that people who received numerous daily injections of melanotan-1 (MT-1) before going in the sun or a tanning bed tanned more quickly and showed fewer signs of sun-related damage. MT-1 is a synthetic version of the hormone melanin, which helps produce the skin's natural pigment.

    Sunscreen Guidelines
    In choosing a sunscreen, look at the ingredients. Preparations that help block UV radiation are sometimes classified as sunscreens or sunblocks according to the substances they contain. In general, sunscreens contain organic formulas and sunblocks inorganic formulas. However, the term sunblock is used less and less as sunscreens increasingly contain both kinds of ingredients]
    Organic formulas contain UV-filtering chemicals such as octocrylene, octyl salicylate, homosalate, and octyl methoxycinnamate (block UVB), avobenzone-Parsol 1789 (blocks UVA), cinoxate, ethylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate (blocks UVB and small amounts of UVA), oxybenzone, benzophenone-3 (blocks UVA/UVB). People should look for a wide-spectrum sunscreen that contains combinations of these ingredients and filter both UVA and UVB. Of note]
    Inorganic formulas contain the UV-blocking pigments zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Zinc and titanium oxides lie on top of the skin and are not absorbed. They prevent nearly all UVA and UVB rays from reaching the skin. Older sunblocks are white, pasty, and unattractive, but current products use so-called microfine oxides, either zinc (Z-Cote) or titanium. They are transparent and nearly as protective as the older types. Microfine zinc oxide may be more protective and less pasty-colored than microfine titanium oxide.

    Inexpensive products work as well as expensive ones with the same ingredients. Unfortunately, there are still no standards for sunscreens, and even those claiming UVA protection may offer very little. In one study, the average UVA protection from a wide range of brands was only 23%. In fact, the average protection on brands not making the claim was 37%!

    Organic formulas and inorganic microfine oxides do not protect against visible light, which is a problem for people who have light-sensitive skin conditions, including actinic prurigo, porphyria, and chronic actinic dermatitis. Inorganic sunscreens that protect against visible light and are still cosmetically acceptable are now available in Europe, but not yet in the US.

    Calculating the SPF

    The sun protection factor (SPF) on all sunscreen labels is a ratio based on the amount of UVB (not UVA) radiation required to turn sunscreen- or sunblock-treated skin red compared to non-treated skin. For instance, people who sunburn in five minutes and who want to stay in the sun for 150 minutes might use an SPF 30. The formula would be]
    Protection offered by sunscreens may be classified as follows]Minimal: SPF 2 to 11.
    Moderate]High: 30+. (Although some sunscreens claim SPFs higher than 30, the added protection at such higher levels is insignificant.)
    SPF Levels by Age Group

    Certain groups should have higher or lower SPFs depending on age and other factors]
    Although sunscreens are safe in most toddlers and children, they should not be the first and only lines of defense. In fact, experts are worrying that by relying too much on sunscreen and not providing other protective measures, parents may actually be increasing their children's risk for melanoma. All young children should be well covered with clothing, sunglasses, and hats as the first line of defense against sunburn. Children should be kept out of the sun during peak sunlight periods. Sunscreens should not be used on babies younger than six months without consulting a physician.

    Older children and adults (even those with darker skin) benefit from using SPFs of 15 and over. Some experts recommend that most people should use SPF 30 on the face and 15 on the body.
    Adults who burn easily instead of tanning and anyone with risk factors for skin cancer should use at least SPF 30.

    Timing and Amount of Application
    Sunscreen or sunblock should be applied liberally as follows]
    Adults should include sunscreen with a daily skin regimen, even if going outdoors for only a short time.
    Apply a large amount to all exposed areas, including ears and feet. To achieve protection as indicated by the sunscreen's SPF, experts recommend half a teaspoon each for the head, neck, and each arm and a teaspoon each for the chest area, the back, and each leg.

    Apply initially 30 minutes before venturing outdoors for best results. (This allows time for the sunscreen to be absorbed. Then reapply every 15 to 30 minutes while being in the sunlight.
    Also reapply each time after exercise or swimming. (Choose a waterproof or water-resistant formula even if activities don't include swimming. Waterproof formulas last for about 40 minutes in the water, whereas water-resistant formulas last half as long.)

    Insect repellents reduce sunscreen SPFs by up to one-third. Use higher SPFs and very liberal application when applying both.
    Possible Hazards of Sunscreens, Sun Avoidance, or Both

    When used generously and appropriately, sunscreen products and sun avoidance help reduce the severity of many aging skin disorders, including squamous cell cancers. There are certain concerns, however.

    Sunscreen Use May Not Protect Against Basal Cell and Melanoma Cancers and May Even Increase the Risk. Although sunscreens help prevent squamous cell carcinomas and other skin disorders, sunscreens do not appear to provide protection against melanoma and some basal cell cancers. In fact, some studies have reported a higher association with sunscreen use and these skin malignancies, though not all studies report such negative results.

    The reasons for this possible increased risk are unclear, though some theories include the following]
    Until recently, many sunscreens blocked only or predominantly UVB rays and not UVA, the more deeply penetrating rays now known to be especially dangerous. Studies then may not have reflected the effects of the broad-spectrum sunscreens now available, which block both UVA and UVB.

    People who apply sunscreens may feel safe and stay out longer during high sun-exposure hours than is safe. Even if a person doesn't sunburn, UVA rays can still penetrate the skin and do harm.
    People may not put on enough sunscreen. In fact, according to a 2002 study, people generally apply only 20% to 60% of the recommended amount, which can provide significantly less protection than the given SPF.(Of note, a 2003 study reported that when applied at the recommended amount, a broad-screen sunscreen prevents DNA damage from UV exposure. However, omitting it even once resulted in significant cell injury.)

    Sunscreen Use May Increase the Risk for Health Problems Related to Sunlight Deficiencies. There is some major concern that underexposure to sunlight, due to the use of sunscreens or sun-avoidance measures, may produce other health problems, such as the following]
    Vitamin D Deficiency. Vitamin D is only found in a few foods, such as fortified dairy products and fish, but it is primarily manufactured as a chemical response to ultraviolet B (UVB) sunlight. A medical literature review published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer reported that UVB rays may outshine dietary supplements for building the body's vitamin D reserves. Without an appropriate mix of diet and supplements, vigorous sun protection measures may increase a person's risk for developing vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is important for prevention of rickets and osteoporosis and some cancers, including melanoma. People who need to avoid sunlight and whose diet is low in foods that contain vitamin D should check with their physician about taking supplements. People with darker skin are at higher risk for deficiencies from sun protection than those with whiter skin. (Note]Other Cancers. Although sunlight is implicated in skin cancers, it is also associated with lower risks for breast, prostate, ovarian, and colon cancers. Some protection against these cancers may be related to vitamin D production by sunlight.

    Depression. Many people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a form of depression that generally occurs in winter and is associated with exposure to less sunlight.
    The bottom line is that some sunlight is important and even necessary for a healthful and high-quality life. Some experts recommend that adults may benefit from daily moderate tanning (20 to 30 maximum minutes of exposure during lower-risk hours) over a number of days to slowly build up pigment in the skin.
  2. #2 23rd March 2015 
    RIURAO's Avatar
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    Re: Skin Wrinkles Report

    Very good article, specially parts related to Vitamin D and Melanoma link to old sunscreens.
    i have miss a part regarding the oral sunscreens.
  3. #3 10th August 2015 
    sbatz72's Avatar
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    Quality article that gave me some useful information on a lot of the uses for peptides. I am certainly going to be trying this meletonan 2. I think it would be great to use and get a natural looking tan.
  4. #4 12th August 2015 
    stridee's Avatar
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    Good, in-depth article that gives informative details on uses for peptides. Definitely going to try some of these and see what kind of results I can get from them. The part with the melanoma and vitamin D was what interested me most though.
  5. #5 14th August 2015 
    strengthinnumbers's Avatar
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    An interesting read! Thank you for sharing this to us! Now this encourages me to get the sun-kissed complexion I have been dreaming of with more caution. Can you also recommend a good brand for sunscreen?

    The joy of the sun! I wonder how it would be to live in the tropics.
  6. #6 12th September 2015 
    peptidenoob's Avatar
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    Thank you for sharing this one! I have heard that peptides can also help you reduce your wrinkles and stretchmarks as it has active anti-aging property. Since I am new in using peptides, I can't give you an update about my skin's condition yet. I am giving it more time to show desirable results.
  7. #7 21st September 2015 
    gary_stevens's Avatar
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    Even at the age of 44, I don't have wrinkles yet. That is the reason why many people thought I am still on my early 30s. Well, I really love how I look more or less 10 years younger than my actual age. It is all thanks to the peptides I am using. I am currently on my 11th year of using it and I regret nothing.
  8. #8 21st September 2015 
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    While it's a good article, I'm not sure it was telling us anything we didn't know really. Over exposure to the sun is the biggest cause of ageing, and that's been said for many years now.

    MT-2 can help reduce the signs of ageing and a lot of people swear by the results they get, and only after a short while so if that is something you are considering it's definitely something that should be looked in to.
  9. #9 21st September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwarbi View Post
    While it's a good article, I'm not sure it was telling us anything we didn't know really. Over exposure to the sun is the biggest cause of ageing, and that's been said for many years now.

    MT-2 can help reduce the signs of ageing and a lot of people swear by the results they get, and only after a short while so if that is something you are considering it's definitely something that should be looked in to.
    This article might not be of use to us who are already using melanotan for quite some time. However, this can be very helpful to those who have never tried using the drug and those who are just starting to develop their interest in melanotan.
  10. #10 22nd September 2015 
    deewanna's Avatar
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    A friend of mine started using peptides since last month and I noticed how much her skin had changed. There was a special glow to her skin that hadn't been there before. I have also heard that it helps with acne and wrinkles.