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  1. #1 20th March 2015 
    marvins23's Avatar
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    My first journey with M1

    Hi all,

    I'm writing this journal of my experiences with Melanotan 1 as a way of giving back. I have extensively researched Melanotan 1&2 for the past 6 months and have benefited from reading the postings,input and experiences of others from this forum. If my journal helps another person out there great. Just remember to pay it forward. I'm a skin type 2 and pale. I have not had a tan in so many years I can barely remember when I had one. Currently I have to be extremely careful in the sun and this greatly inhibits my quality of life. I know there are those out there who get what I'm talking about.

    I decided to begin with Melanotan 1 and later I plan to micro dose with M2. I began my M1 therapy on Feb 1, 2015 with around 300mcg and experienced very mild naseua and NO other sides. Within a week or so I was dosing 750mcg to 1mg per injection. Currently I do not experience any sides what so ever with M1.
    About 2 weeks into it I developed approximately 6 new moles ( prior I had only 1 or 2 moles on my body and they were small). 1 of the moles is extremely dark mahogany and the size of an eraser that is new. I also developed some additional freckles. I was very concerned about this prior but now that I have developed some it truly is not bothering me at all. I live in the northeast USA and the weather is still very cold. I wanted to have about 60mgs of M1 in my system before any UV exposure. So obviously I still have not received direct UV exposure except incidental face and hands from simply coming and going outside. As of today I have 3 vials/30mgs in. I'm confident when I begin synergizing my M1 therapy with UV therapy I will develope a protective tan. I'm still about 5 weeks from that.

    Recap]I believe whether one uses M1 or M2 you WILL develope some moles and freckles.
    My strategy is slow, steady and consistent. I will update this journal when I begin to receive natural UV therapy. If anyone has any questions in the meantime ask away.

    Til next update.
  2. #2 20th March 2015 
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    Re: My journey with Melanotan 1

    Thank you marvins23, look forward to your updates. What is your current dosage strategy?
  3. #3 20th March 2015 
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    Re: My first journey with M1

    Hi Melanotan, thank you for all your hard work and advice !!

    I dose every other day approximately 1mg per injection. My body is so adapted to it, I experience absolutely NO sides what so ever. Other then about 6 moles. I cant wait for spring to arrive so I can begin UV exposure !
  4. #4 30th April 2015 
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    Re: My first journey with M1

    Update: we have had a tough early spring here in the Northeast, cool and cloudy days. However there have been a handful of sunny days I took advantage of. I'm 50mg in and the color on my hands have changed to a nice golden color. My arms are lagging behind but finally have some color other then paper white. My face has not really developed much color if at all yet. The weather is finally supposed to change next week to much more conducive UV therapy.

    I'm getting the feeling MT will be a life changer for me. I will keep the post updated but I'm going to begin working in some MT2. In fact, next week the weather should be sunny and 70, I'm going to start with MT2 at about 400mcg
    doses. After a week or so of sun and MT2 I will update again.
  5. #5 2nd May 2015 
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    Re: My first journey with M1

    So you used about 500mcg a day on average? (1mg shots every other day)
  6. #6 3rd May 2015 
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    Re: My first journey with M1

    I would inject approximately 1mg EOD. Today I began incorporating MT2, the weather was 75 and very sunny about 7 on UV index. I injected about 400mcg and slapped on some SPF 30 and immediately went outside. I did not experience any sides, I spent about 45 minutes outside and it was so liberating to wear shorts and t-shirt it was amazing. I think MT will change my life.* I have not worn shorts or short sleeve shirt in over 10 years for fear of the sun. I do not believe or feel like I burned at all. My arms feel somewhat warm but not that hard to forget sunburn feeling.

    It is my understanding color developes approx. 48 to 72 hours after exposure but my arms appear to have taken on some color from my exposure already today.* I will update as my first journey continues.
  7. #7 16th May 2015 
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    Re: My first journey with M1

    Update: after this post I will enter my experiences in the MT2 posts. I injected 5 vials of MT1 and when the weather changed and the sun became more intense I began with MT2. Already melanotan has changed my life. For the first time I can remember I have developed a nice light golden/brown color on my arms. My face has developed enough color where it hides the redness I would get from heat and sun exposure. The freedom MT has provided me is really hard to express in words. This peptide is not for everyone however the benefits for me far outweigh the cons.

    You must always remind yourself to wear sunscreen. I have been so careful in the the last 15 years or so I have not had a burn. However I got carried away the other day and received a slight burn on my face. Not good. I will say however if I was not on MT2 I truly believe I would have blistered due the time and intensity of the sun that day. This peptide is truly amazing and life changing for some of us. It is for me !!! I will use for the rest of my life.

    The most MT2 I have used in one shot is 500mcg. I will stick with MT2 over the 1 however the sexual side of of 2 can be annoying. Good luck everyone if you have any questions I will help any way I can.
  8. #8 15th September 2015 
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    Wow, thanks for sharing your experiences with us! I'm just curious, what made you decide to switch from M1 to M2? I'm also considering starting M1 but it seems everyone eventually switches to M2. Also, if you're still using it have you continued to experience good effects?