Its completely SCAM company. My first MII order was from and never received an order. They never answering emails and their sales email is always returning with error "child status 100...The e-mail message could not be delivered because the user's mailfolder is full.". Be aware of
By the way has some relations with other supplements webpage* and company behind this registered in GB Haverhill "We Are Health & Beauty". This company is doing credit card processing, and i guess its this same shit.
My first experience was fantastic! I ordered after 12 on a Thursday night and my package arrived on the Saturday. I dosed low. 250mcg ED. I got no sides and people were commenting on my colour before the vail was finished!
I ordered again on Thursday there and I'm still waiting for my delivery. Royal Mail website ssaid the package was only posted today. I queried this with them and they are blaming Royal mails computers and adamant they posted the day before.