I have 2 10mg bottles of Melanotan 2 - Planning on starting at the beginning of summer after classes for the semester end.. I have read up a ton about this. I know to start dosages low because of the sickness and moles and such. I have heard a little about how MT2 can effect Vision and the eyes... Does anyone know if there is any evidence behind this at all?
Planning on starting at .25mg / day and possibly work up to .5 mg if no side effects / new moles.
Great question & good luck ncrispi! There are concerns with regards to vision while on melanocortin agonist peptides. Unsure about any hard evidence or if simply an ongoing controversy/drama. Never had any issues with vision myself... sad to think some may encounter pigmentation and/or developments within the eye (my assumption is that it's highly rare to have issue, either cosmetic or eyesight change). I do wonder how or if light sensitivity is altered when experimenting w/ MT2 for tanning* ???