I just want to post my experience on here in the hope that I can help somebody else...
Bottom line is that MT2, at any meaningful dose makes me extremely sick...stomach pain, extreme nausea, dizziness--even while laying down. About a year ago I took my first ever dose at 250mcg and I was bedridden for 2 days. Took me until the 4th day to feel normal again. However, I didn't call it quits...
The answer, for me, was to start off with about 50mcg--literally half a tick on a slin. After about 3 days I felt no ill effects from that and moved to 100mcg. I went in the sun every day for about 15 minutes on front and 15 back. Even at that low amount, I got very dark, very fast. End of the first week I had a good tan. End of the second week I was really dark. End of the 3rd week I was the darkest person at the beach. Most importantly, I had really no ill effects to speak of. The only side effect at this point was the raging boners at bed time--but no complaints there.*
For experiment's sake, I did play with upping the dosage. Over many days I got to 125, then to 150, 175 and as high as 200. However, I found that dose I experienced these panic-y heart palpitations that would last about 10 seconds 2 or 3 times and I was mildly sick all day--so I went back to 100 - 125 mcg.
Amazingly, the worse possible MT2 scenario turned into an outright win. At my low dose I didn't experience moles or freckles that I couldn't live with and my tan looked natural and normal, even at the early stages (as opposed to grey, with dark eye sockets and weird, like others do in the first couple of weeks at higher doses).
So, for people like me, who read about most people starting off at 500mcg and quickly moving to 750 or 1mg, and realizing that they'd be hospitalized at those doses, don't panic. There's still hope.
1. My skin type is medium. I do burn, but I also tan pretty dark if I put in the work. The reason why I love MT-2 is because I get there much much quicker with very little sun exposure.
2. I think that 100 mcg once a week would be a waste. Keep the low dose, but make sure that you keep a level of it in your blood at all times--that comes with daily dosage. For maintenance phase, if you really want to keep your tan, I'd do a couple times a week and the odd time in the sun.
I am, as of a week ago, experimenting with nasal spray. I bought a 25ml, bacteriostatic saline, with 300 metered doses from the grocery store. I injected 1ml of mixed MT-2 into it. So, each spray is about 30 mcg of MT-2. So far, I noticed that 230 mcg of spray feels the same as 100 mcg of subcutaneous. The main reason why people don't like the idea of the nasal spray is because it costs them about twice as much. I do small doses so I'm not worried. I get my MT-2 for about 20 bucks for 10mg, and that will last 50 days in the spray. Plus (the big plus), is that I can take it with me to the Caribbean in March. I'll let you know how it works