I am currently doing my research but am leaning towards trying out Melanotan II to hopefully get a real tan for the first time ever!
I am borderline type 1/2 - and generally when I get burnt I go red, then back very white. Not a nice porcelain white either thanks to freckles!
What I am hoping to get is some recommendations for a good supplier who ships to Australia, can anyone help??
I was leaning towards the Melanotan I but figure if I go low doses of the II I might get the results quicker than the I but with less chance of side effects..?
If this works it will be life changing for me. After having countless summers/holidays where I can't swim for fear of my fake tan coming off/going patchy I am keeping fingers crossed I can enjoy some swimming/sun and feel comfortable in my own skin!
I am currently doing my research but am leaning towards trying out Melanotan II to hopefully get a real tan for the first time ever!
I am borderline type 1/2 - and generally when I get burnt I go red, then back very white. Not a nice porclean white either thanks to freckles!
What I am hoping to get is some recommendations for a good supplier who ships to Australia, can anyone help??
I was leaning towards the Melanotan I but figure if I go low doses of the II I might get the results quicker than the I but with less chance of side effects..?
If this works it will be life changing for me. After having countless summers/holidays where I can't swim for fear of my fake tan coming off/going patchy I am keeping fingers crossed I can enjoy some swimming/sun and feel comfortable in my own skin!
Thank you for the excellent topic miss tina. By the sounds of it, melanotan peptides would be life-changing for your skin type/background shared.
I think your initial thoughts of MT-I are sound, I like the thought process in motion... The terrible sunless tanning products do become a hassle...they are a waste of time and complex animal, unsustainable for many users here within the forums. Indeed, with MT-2 the results will be quicker, even with low dosages (as mentioned). Melanotan 1 should offer less experience with potential side effects - mostly the nausea is what I correlate bw the two...meaning with both products, to avoid/mitigate side-effect, dose low (particularly the first initial administrations) & dose often for best tanning results.* Theory behind the melanotan dosing protocol is to take advance of the water-soluble peptide hormone which lasts (at highest potency/effect/window of opportunity) minutes (around an hour, hour and a half maybe) - some experts say to dose melanotan for tanning twice daily for results (before and after exposure as a template), otherwise keep dosing low to keep the response positive dose daily (or more) for the first 1-2 weeks and then a couple shots a week is sufficient (the implant of a dissolvable peptide sounds convenient, helpful & scary!). Best of luck, hope the rambling is helpful!