I am a new member to this forum however I have spent an extensive amount of time researching this peptide on this site and others, I actually spend many hours in my blow off classes just reading topic after topic on here. Anyway I am really concidering using melanotan 2 as I have never been able to tan and have envied those who tan easily. I am a type 1, maybe 2, I have pale Irish skin, freckles, brown hair and green-brown eyes. I have always been ridiculed for my very pale skin so I really think its time to get off the useless OTC tanning garbage and expensive spray tans that don't even work. My concerns are that I have a lot of very very light, unnoticeable freckles all over my body, mainly on my arms and when attempting to naturally tan the darker freckles on my shoulders darken but the ones on my arms/rest of my body really seems to stay unnoticeable. To reduce any serious drastic effect on my freckles and and the rest of my body I was thinking I should dose something like this;
Day 1]Day 2: .1 mcg
Day 3]Day 4: .15 mcg
Day 5]Day 6: .2 mcg
Day 7]Day 8: .2 mcg
Day 9]Day 10-achive desired tan taken every 3rd day: .25 mcg
As you can see I believe micro dosing is the best game plan for my desired goals. Any advice on whether or not this will be effective in minimize sides like darkening of freckles and moles(I understand its impossible to completely avoid this, but I don't want to look like I'm spotted or anything super dramatic) and also to build a natural looking, nice glow before my trip to Cancun in 10 weeks. My second question is I have a large circular 'scar' on my shoulder from a rubber burn on a weight room mat(long story don't ask) that I got years ago, well that scar got really badly sun burned over last summer as the skin was so sensitive and now it is a lighter color than my already super white skin around it. I have heard that melanotan ii turns scars black, but I have also heard that there are white spots from damage to the skin after severe sunburns, any thoughts on how this 'scar' might react and how to minimize the appearance of it. Now comes sun exposure, I have read multiple recommendations advising different ways of going about this, from not getting any sun while loading then starting twice a week after loading phase, to tanning while loading in order to prevent more darkened freckling appearance, whats the best way to minimize sides?* Finally, being that I will be flying to Cancun, i can't really take the peptide with me, any suggestions on how to go about getting the best protection from the sun while not being able to take m-ii for about 2 weeks, or will all effects be negated upon discontinuing use?
I could not be more thankful for all the advice this forum gives myself and others regarding this topic, and I look forward to your replies.
Welcome to the forum Mirin
Love reading your background and preparation - my feelings are that you will see value from the melanocortin agonist (MT-II), particularly given your skin type and upcoming trip. I'd like to first point out that traveling with melanotan peptides is acceptable/mainstream/advisable imho.... Given your cautious low-dosage approach (and brief time frame) I would predict desirable results would occur after experiencing melanotan + Mexican sun + safe tanning basics (sun-protection via spf, sun glasses and clothing/covering...).
Concerns with regards to freckles/pigmentation changes are absolutely legitimate, however the outcome of a true, natural, systemic, photo-protective tan out-weighs the (often) foolish/worthless sunless tanning products mentioned (which may indeed lead to deserved ridicule...). It's about impossible to forecast which/where & how many freckles will become dark(er) or stay dormant/light/blended. Generally the darker overall pigmentation/complexion yields more complements (vs. concerns) and may highlight your pearly white teeth (surrounded by tan skin...) - with tanning injections, first comes the freak-out...then with continued patience and diligence comes the desired results. Prepping pale skin with genetically limited natural tanning ability to be exposed to Mexican sunshine requires a base tan...which likely will require UV exposure and higher dosages. Rational to micro-dose most frequently is to avoid/minimize side effects and not appear foolish looking (tanning too fast or tanning your privates, lips, under-eyes, scars) because the MT-2 truly is super-potent and a 10mg vial is beastly (to most sensitive skin types, Irish/English/Dutch/German/etc). I like dosing low to slowly see results, desensitize and build up to confident recreational/tanning dosages (as you may be familiar/have scanned my historical ramblings/rants on this loved subj matter of mine* ;D - thanks for reading & your support btw!) - your past scar(s) will be fine, you know to protect yourself going forward.... what's surprising and maybe an example is when a melanotan user is at high-potency, gives their skin a deep scratch/abrasion/trauma...the area can remain pigmented darker (to protect) for a long while (but shyt happens when living the dream on vacation, playing sports or general horsing around...wouldn't sweat it, permanently doing damage or discoloring sun damage are confusing/unique topics...not hugely important trends or topics of concern for the majority, imo). Effects from mt-2 use are long lasting - if you choose to prep your skin before the trip and had some pigmentation going into the vacation...after day one (of sunshine w/ discontinued melanocortin use with skin that cannot tan and is not protected yet by much dark melanin...or transitioning through melanogenesis...) you can begin down the path of looking like a red lobster (as compared to continuing to create eumelanin and developing a natural tan on melanotan) - best advice is to bring a vial w/ when traveling close to the beach (place supplies in checked luggage, mix upon arrival, waste plenty...dose low, dose often, etc etc - your fair skin will thank you afterwards) - best of luck & please fire away with further questions/concerns/strategy! Look forward to mirin your tan skin* 8)