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  1. #1 13th March 2012 
    jmfj's Avatar
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    starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    ok so i got darker pretty quick (at like 12 mg's) + some tanning bed sessions, decided i should start my maintenance dosages now...

    if i inject 0.5 mg three times a week but get minimal sun exposure what will happen? will i lose colour?

    also do you think its to early to start my maintenance dosages already?

    PS: do tanning beds become safer for us melanotan users? i want to go a couple more times but im just scared of melanoma!
  2. #2 13th March 2012 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    I like that you are listening to your body & adjusting quickly on the fly

    we are all so different and are in such different environments...but yes, overall if you are dosing a handful of doses/week & receive some therapeutic UVR...should be good to go!

    Had you already like where your color is going, may I suggest .2-.3mg doses for maintenance - certainly not too early as I view synthetic MSH as a lifestyle product which should be utilized sparingly* - less is often more ]
    tanning bed usage on melanotropin hormones does make tanning safer (or possible for a great deal of the white population...)
    of course cancer/melanoma is something to be aware/informed on...no need to be scared however (imho)

  3. #3 13th March 2012 
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    Re: starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    well i actually wouldnt mind getting a tad bit darker... ive also found that the m2 has done a wonderful job for my skin and masking uneven skin tone, ive seen this with or without sun exposure!

    i think il do .2-.3mg doses eventually but because i still want to get tad darker maybe il just stick with 0.5 (3 times a week) for the next couple weeks... can i still more colour by doing that? il hit up a bed one or two more times as well

    yea its just scary because the moment you google search "tanning bed" the first 100 links are all ones that talk about skin cancer and such. how often did you go to tanning beds when you first started out?
  4. #4 13th March 2012 
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    Re: starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    if I wanted to get darker, I would continue with the .2-.3mg dose - however I would inject 5-6 days a week (as compared to 3x/week - also setting the body up for a recreational 1mg dosage...should it fit into the lifestyle/interest)

    that's just best advice (devil's advocate a bit) i'd provide a loved one

    as long as you are dosing super potent melanotropin melanotan2...you'll get that tad bit darker....

    I caution often in hope as many can learn from mistakes*
  5. #5 13th March 2012 
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    Re: starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    i had been dosing 0.5 mg/day up til this point but i like your idea, il go mon-fri 0.3 a day then take sat-sun off... then once i get the colour im happy with il reduce it to 3 times a week

    would a tanning bed session once every 10 days be too much/too risky in your opinion?
  6. #6 14th March 2012 
    dondada469's Avatar
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    Re: starting maintenance dose early only at 16 mg

    ok so i got darker pretty quick (at like 12 mg's) + some tanning bed sessions, decided i should start my maintenance dosages now...

    if i inject 0.5 mg three times a week but get minimal sun exposure what will happen? will i lose colour?

    also do you think its to early to start my maintenance dosages already?


    Not sure if you watch my log but both me and my wife started maintenance after only 5mg so I wouldn't say you're early by any means. We're going to do .5mg 2 or 3x a week with minimal sun exposure until the warmer weather hits.
    Personally I hate tanning beds due to how unsafe they are (had a relative battle and eventually surcumb to melanoma) so we only used it twice just to get us started before leaving for vacation.