Hi ... just bought 5 viles of this stuff but am clueless as how to use it?* ive messaged the supplier a few times but no response.. can anyone please guide me as to what im doing!!! Thanks so much
Hi ... just bought 5 viles of this stuff but am clueless as how to use it?* ive messaged the supplier a few times but no response.. can anyone please guide me as to what im doing!!! Thanks so much
Welcome Carlita, quite the investment/commitment to make in MT-II not knowing how to use.* Any specific goals or concerns in mind?*
It's inconsiderate and unsafe to message suppliers about usage (legality, ethics & the fact your supplier could very well not know their head from a hole...), a lot will not respond - fyi to onlookers
Nothing wrong with purchasing, owning or using the products...* however there are no instructions that exist and/or regulation on research peptides
Has this website helped you in the least?*
Recent blog post]2012 Melanotan II Instruction[/url]
Hope to be able to give direction/perspective when needed.* Best to you!