Getting ready to start with my MTII. I've had it in the freezer for a few months and was a little nervous about starting. I currently use GHRP's three times a day so the pinning doesn't bother me, but I'm a little worried about dark circles under the eyes and some of the other sides. I've got dark hair and olive skin although i still tend to burn a few time in the beggining of the summer. So my question is can I dose 100mcg for a couple of weeks just to get a feel or is that just too small of a dose to see any effect?
Great strategy, welcome. Definitely dose about 1/50th the MT-II vial..give or take... adding a very small amount of Melanotan 2 to GHRP w/ your skin type should be effective - glad you are aware of the need to product your face/nose/under-eyes specifically
That's what I started out with.* I was afraid like you.* But due to the fact I am heavily freckled with moles.* I thought and "read" at places that they would turn black.* I stayed with the 100mcgs 3x/week and then after the entire week, I tanned once for ten minutes in a bed.* Stayed on the same protocol at 100mcgs.* Waited to see what would happen in the tanning bed.* I did get some redness, but those were areas that my body wasn't used to sunlight. And VERY mild.* Went back 3 days later and tanned for another 10 minutes.
I seem to think after being an MT II user for so long and hearing about people getting freckles so fast or discoloration?* Now this is just my opinion, I think they start their regimen too fast and too quick.* No need to start off at 250 or 500mcgs.* I mean then you get the nausea, the histamine flare up severe, and well, the spike in libido that some say is also severe.
You may and will get some of these side effects, but not as drastic following an entry level protocol.* And when you go to up your intake, slow and steady with an olive complexion or any complexion is certainly going to build that tolerance to those side effects.
And when you get to a maintenance dose to sustain, by then you'll have nothing at all.* Just a nice, overall appearance.
Hi guys, can i ask if you cover your moles/large freckles when tanning, I am not long into the process now and am covering my moles and any large raised freckles, but i am getting white patches due to the sunblock, which looks really odd.. is it completely necessary to cover these, or can any of you share an alternative?
What was your starting dose and now dose?* And how long are you into your process?* And your regular complexion?* Any moles that you are afraid of when tanning as far as in need of a dermatologist or just scared they'll get too dark??* By your post you didn't say you have new ones, just afraid of what you have now.*
I didn't cover mine up.* I did tan and they did get to a deep brown.* But I wasn't very aggressive like I posted above.* I stayed slow and steady because I knew I would freckle.
In a tanning bed I would imagine it would be hard because I am unaware of sunblock.* Then again, I have never sought after it either.
If you are uncertain or afraid of your moles getting too dark, best I can suggest is be smart with your protocol.* Do not be overly aggressive.* Keep your dose no higher than 250mcgs 2-3x/week and tan 10mins 2x/week.* See where that gets you.* If you start to see a deepened color, you can always cut your dose back to 100mcgs and stay on a maintenance dose.* Remember, that it's going to be active for awhile.* So even if you stop completely and with the warmer weather upon us, you'll keep tanning for a good month post protocol.
Hi guys, can i ask if you cover your moles/large freckles when tanning, I am not long into the process now and am covering my moles and any large raised freckles, but i am getting white patches due to the sunblock, which looks really odd.. is it completely necessary to cover these, or can any of you share an alternative?
Thanks* ]"
Great question littleone, I try and consciously add cosmetics w/ small amts of spf on my forearms first (at left I have one mole, on right there is one freckle which is dark), neck (one dark freckle)...scars from surgery, tattoos & the usual face spf/protection - that's just me personally...protect yourself as you know best. After I apply the little retin-a/spf to my areas of sun damage I add moisturizer or tanning lotion that contains anti-oxidants 'n such over the areas reachable / target area (legs/stomach/etc). Next I grab many towels (had I be at a salon) to cover genitals, tattoo, head/face..where breathing is comfortable & tanning exposure minimal (my face tans quick, as does most upper trunk body areas do in the sun - via melanogensis)
due diligence for safe melanotropin peptide research is going to a derm annually...but be conscious and don't sweat/get scared from a doctor whom you may or may not receive value from sharing melanotan peptide consumption (few doctors know about tanning peptides worldwide) - the point of melanotan usage is to change pigment creation at the cellular level for a long time. keep balancing and protecting yourself best possible - had you want to remove yourself from melanotan / tanning peptides, few months off is recommended should any removal take place (of moles/freckles from a plastic surgeon/dermatologist) - time off from melanotans will help scars/healing process - the color from improper melanotan tanning (ie]
further ex., if I were to plan on undergoing surgery in two months - means melanotan ii peptide usage needs to cease asap & remain off until 3-6 months afterward - to which Melanotan2 should not be an option (had scarring be involved) - MT2 is SO super-potent, requires a little extra warning.* after many months, Melanotan 1 or a lesser tanning melanotropin would be the product of choice to venture back into the world of dosing synthetic tanning hormone analogs to become beautiful