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  1. #1 13th December 2010 
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    Peptide Reconstitution Numbers

    The easiest way to figure out how much BW you need for your peptide.

    First figure out how much of the peptide you have in the vial in mcgs. A 5mg vial is 5000mcgs. A 2mg vial is 2000mcgs and so on.

    Next, we will be reconstituting with BW(or AA or NaCl)in a slin pin. The slin pin is 100ius per 1ml.

    Divide the number of ius you are reconstituting with into the number of mcgs you have to get your number. That's it, no fancy chart, nice and easy.

    Let's give a couple of examples.

    Researcher 1 has a 5mg vial of peptide, or 5000mcgs. He adds 2ml of BW, or 200ius. 5000 divided by 200 is 25, so he has 25mcgs of peptide to 1iu of BW. If he wanted he could add 5ml of BW, or 500ius to his 5000mcgs of peptide to get 10mcgs per 1iu.

    Researcher 2 has a 2mg vial of peptide, or 2000mcgs. He adds 1ml of BW, or 100ius. 2000 divided by 100 is 20, so he has 20mcgs of peptide to 1iu of BW. If he adds 2ml or 200ius of BW, he would have 10mcgs to 1 iu because 2000 divided by 200 is 10. By adding 4ml of BW, or 400ius, he would now have 5mcgs per iu because 2000mcgs divided by 400ius is 5mcgs per 1iu.
  2. #2 21st May 2011 
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    Mcg's to mg's peptides

    How to Measure Peptides for Research
    ml = milliliter. This is a VOLUME measurement. it is 1/1000 of a liter. When talking about water or similar liquids, it is equivalent to one cubic centimeter.

    cc = cubic centimeter.This is also a VOLUME measurement. Most syringes measure their capacity in cc's. If you have a 1cc syringe, it will hold 1ml of liquid.

    iu = international unit. This is a unit used to measure the activity (that is, the effect) of many vitamins and drugs. For each substance to which this unit applies, there is an international agreement specifying the biological effect expected with a dose of 1 IU. Other quantities of the substance are then expressed as multiples of this standard. This also means that this measurement is not based on sheer volume or weight of the substance, but rather the effect.

    mg = milligram. This is a WEIGHT measurement. It is 1/1000 of a gram. the amount of chemical substance is often measured in milligrams. For injectable solutions, this will be reported as a concentration of weight to volume, such as mg/ml (milligrams per milliliter). In the case of orally administered substances, the weight of chemical is labeled, although the actual weight of the pill/capsule may be much higher, because of the use of filler substances. This means that a small pill may be much more potent than a large pill, so don't judge a pill based on its size, but the actual amount of substance for which it is labeled as. Typical to buy melanotan peptides in 5 and 10 milligram vials.

    mcg = microgram. 1/1000 of a mg (milligram) There are one thousand micrograms in one milligram. Dosing melanotan 2 peptide, gh fragments, growth hormone sectretagoues and insulin growth factor peptides in micrograms is common practice.

    1000 mcg (microgram) = 1mg (milligram)
    1000 mg (milligram) = 1g (gram)
    1000 g (gram) = 1kg (kilogram)
    1000 ml (milliliter) = 1 liter
    1ml (water) = 1cc (water)
  3. #3 3rd November 2011 
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    Re: Peptide reconstitution numbers made easy

    Hello - please help re the numbers - I am confused - I am starting to use this today for the first time - my goal is to be ready at 9 pm tonight Eastern Std. time.... please, can you be more "simple" in your instructions for putting the water into the PT141.

    I received a 10 mg vial of the powder with a separate vial of the BW - I have tons of insulin syringes because I use them for injecting myself with B12...so I am used to the injections.* However, I need to get the dilution correct so I do not get sick - this will be my first time tonight and I so much want it to be "wonderful"....please tell me what to do - my syringes are 1 ml* 25G5/8.....thanks for your help.
  4. #4 3rd November 2011 
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    Re: Peptide reconstitution numbers made easy

    Hello - please help re the numbers - I am confused - I am starting to use this today for the first time - my goal is to be ready at 9 pm tonight Eastern Std. time.... please, can you be more "simple" in your instructions for putting the water into the PT141.

    I received a 10 mg vial of the powder with a separate vial of the BW - I have tons of insulin syringes because I use them for injecting myself with B12...so I am used to the injections.* However, I need to get the dilution correct so I do not get sick - this will be my first time tonight and I so much want it to be "wonderful"....please tell me what to do - my syringes are 1 ml* 25G5/8.....thanks for your help.
    Happy to help
    Peptide Reconstitution

    1ml syringe
    10mg PT-141
    2ml bact water (or b12) to reconstitute
    500mcg dose at 10 iu

    Best advice would be to test your sensitivity and dose really low the first inject.* See how 200mcg treats you.* Next day inject 500mcg.* Glad you are aware more is not better, good luck!
  5. #5 3rd November 2011 
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    Re: Peptide reconstitution numbers made easy

    Thank you for your response - I just posted a new message with detailed info for everyone (especially women) to read,,,there doesn't seem to be much input from women (as usual )....

    Anyway I did go out and buy "insulin" syringes - I have the Blue BD syringes which I use for my B-12 shots and they are a different gauge and much longer in length.

    Well, I did put into the 10 mg bottle of PT,, 1 ml of BWater - took out about 1mg of the solution and injected into the fat layer of my stomach as per the video......did not feel a thing whatsoever.....I wish those who are so afraid of injections would just listen to those of us who keep telling you "you don't feel a thing !!! "

    So Chris, what do you think - can I have my alcohol ??* I really need it to loosen up and get rid of my inhibitions,,,,a little MJ would be nice but not available...........

    Thanks so much for your help and I so much hope with all my heart I am not disappointed - I am looking forward to feelings I had and have been gone for too long.

  6. #6 4th November 2011 
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    Re: Peptide reconstitution numbers made easy

    The PT-141 experience is one I certainly hope to share.* When dialed in...& stars align...yes sir!* 8)